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Las Trampas Scramble

Las Trampas Regional Wilderness

Date: (Sun.) Feb. 12, 2012
Location: San Ramon, CA
Event Director: - 541.401.7595
Course Setter: Wes Erck
Type: Rogaine; Mini-rogaine style course (team score-O) — mass start with a 3-hour time limit

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Event Write-Up

Not yet available


Las Trampas Scramble

Las Trampas Regional Wilderness
San Ramon, CA
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Skip to Results by Class or Team Results.

You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget (introduction; this event ( RouteGadget nicely handles Goats, Score-Os, butterfly loops, etc., as it has an option to use splits to determine the order in which each team visited the controls. In a way, each team makes their own course.¹

3-hour Score-O

Results by Class

  Pl  Name(s)                                   Points    Time   Penalty  Score

Adult Women

   1  Marie-Josée & Cornelia                     3800    2:55:58          3800
   2  Vitesse Los Altos - Steph & Karen          2900    3:04:06   -500   2400
   3  Team Jenga                                 1400    2:56:11          1400

Adult Men

   1  Jonas Kjäll & François Léonard             3800    1:52:04          3800
   2  Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow        3800    1:53:33          3800
   3  Brendan O'Brien & Dennis Wilkinson         3800    2:04:41          3800
   4  Va-bank                                    3800    2:30:30          3800
   5  Tamil Tiger Revolutionary People's O Team  3600    2:49:27          3600
   6  Belgian Beer Brigade - Cedric & Theo       3600    2:53:36          3600
   7  Quickcelsior                               3400    2:54:57          3400
   8  Darin & Roger                              3100    2:45:55          3100
   9  Loggerheads - Young & Ort                  3100    2:47:32          3100
  10  Expresso Commute                           2500    2:45:09          2500
  11  Ian & Phillip Hoare                        2200    2:41:07          2200

  nc  Gromits BD - Wes & Jeff                    2800    2:57:46          2800
      Compass Wonders                                    0vertime            0

Adult Mixed

   1  Molasses in Feb - Marina & Joe             3500    2:51:06          3500
   2  Venomous Ducks - Joe & Elise               3000    2:59:41          3000
   3  Rachel, Jensen, & Arik Rosenthal           2200    2:48:34          2200
   4  Team Richmond                              2100    2:32:54          2100
   5  U.S. Army Training Team                    1400    2:34:17          1400


   1  T and A - Tapio & Alex                     3800    2:31:00          3800
   2  Vickenny - Vicky & Penny                   3200    2:40:08          3200
   3  GC Goats - Bill & Steve                    3200    2:58:44          3200
   4  Buzzards are Us - Bud & Gavin              2900    2:56:29          2900
   5  Peter Graube, Johanna Meriss               2800    2:47:50          2800
   6  Nancy Lindeman, Joe Scarborough            1500    2:44:58          1500
   7  Mutual Aid - Kelly & Kathy                 1500    2:50:34          1500
   8  Las Bonitas - Jennifer, Marsha, Joan       1400    2:30:12          1400

  nc  Steve Gregg                                2800    2:08:30          2800
  nc  Tremerick - Anne & Lisa                     400    1:48:10           400


   1  Family Sebo                                3800    2:38:01          3800
   2  Stephen & David Harrison                   3400    2:55:13          3400
   3  Ticks & Poison Oak - Damian & Fillan       2900    2:51:51          2900
   4  Quad Runners - Petersons                   2700    2:49:17          2700
   5  BHS - Flynn & Wayne                        2700    2:50:10          2700
   6  Eric & Quincy Rosenzweig                   2400    2:58:45          2400
   7  No Joke - Derek & Rory                     2100    2:22:25          2100
   8  Afsheen, Kayron Mostofi                    1500    2:28:02          1500
   9  Curtis, Michael Oxman                       700    2:35:57           700

Results For All Teams

 Pl  Name(s)                                Class   Points   Time    Pty   Score
   1  Jonas Kjäll & François Léonard         Men      3800   1:52:04        3800
   2  Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow    Men      3800   1:53:33        3800
   3  Brendan O'Brien & Dennis Wilkinson     Men      3800   2:04:41        3800
   4  Va-bank                                Men      3800   2:30:30        3800
   5  T and A - Tapio & Alex                 Vets     3800   2:31:00        3800
   6  Familly Sebo                           Family   3800   2:38:01        3800
   7  Marie-Josée & Cornelia                 Women    3800   2:55:58        3800
   8  Tamil Tiger Revolutionary
        People's O Team                      Men      3600   2:49:27        3600
   9  Belgian Beer Brigade - Cedric, Theo    Men      3600   2:53:36        3600
  10  Molasses in Feb - Marina & Joe         Mixed    3500   2:51:06        3500
  11  Quickcelsior                           Men      3400   2:54:57        3400
  12  Stephen & David Harrison               Family   3400   2:55:13        3400
  13  Vickenny - Vicky & Penny               Vets     3200   2:40:08        3200
  14  GC Goats - Bill & Steve                Vets     3200   2:58:44        3200
  15  Darin & Roger                          Men      3100   2:45:55        3100
  16  Loggerheads - Young & Ort              Men      3100   2:47:32        3100
  17  Venomous Ducks - Joe & Elise           Mixed    3000   2:59:41        3000
  18  Ticks & Poison Oak - Damian & Fillan   Family   2900   2:51:51        2900
  19  Buzzards are Us - Bud & Gavin          Vets     2900   2:56:29        2900
  20  Peter Graube & Johanna Meriss          Vets     2800   2:47:50        2800
  21  Quad Runners - Petersons               Family   2700   2:49:17        2700
  22  BHS - Flynn & Wayne                    Family   2700   2:50:10        2700
  23  Expresso Commute                       Men      2500   2:45:09        2500
  24  Eric & Quincy Rosenzweig               Family   2400   2:58:45        2400
  25  Vitesse LosAltos - Steph & Karen       Women    2900   3:04:06  -500  2400
  26  Ian & Phillip Hoare                    Men      2200   2:41:07        2200
  27  Rachel Jensen Arik Rosenthal           Mixed    2200   2:48:34        2200
  28  No Joke - Derek & Rory                 Family   2100   2:22:25        2100
  29  Team Richmond                          Mixed    2100   2:32:54        2100
  30  Afsheen, Kayron Mostofi                Family   1500   2:28:02        1500
  31  Nancy Lindeman Joe Scarborough         Vets     1500   2:44:58        1500
  32  Mutual Aid - Kelly & Kathy             Vets     1500   2:50:34        1500
  33  Las Bonitas - Jennifer, Marsha, Joan   Vets     1400   2:30:12        1400
  34  U.S. Army Training Team                Mixed    1400   2:34:17        1400
  35  Team Jenga                             Women    1400   2:56:11        1400
  36  Curtis & Michael Oxman                 Family    700   2:35:57         700

      Compass Wonders                        Men   came in over an hour late   0

  Not competing

      Steve Gregg                            Vets     2800   2:08:30        2800
      Gromits BD - Wes & Jeff                Men      2800   2:57:46        2800
      Tremerick - Anne & Lisa                Vets      400   1:48:10         400


nc = Not competing

¹ Some teams went out with SI-5 sticks, and ran out of storage capacity to record all the controls they visited. These teams may miss a few of their last splits, but they can still draw their route in RouteGadget.