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Willow Glen Holiday Lights and Potluck Social

Date: (Sat.) Dec. 17, 2011
Location: San Jose, CA
Event Director: - 857.361.8984
Course Setters: Brad Wetmore, Steve Harrison, David Harrison
Type: C; Score-O walk/run through San Jose's Willow Glen neighborhood while enjoying the festive decorations, followed by the annual BAOC potluck social and awards ceremony.

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Event Write-Up


What does Santa have in his right hand? What color is the present that the dog is holding? Who is dancing in the window? What is the elf doing?

What fun it was to be running or walking around the Willow Glen neighborhood on a cool (in the 50's) night, looking for the answers to these and other questions at the controls that were all at decorated houses. What a beautiful neighborhood!

People started arriving at the Willow Glen Elementary School cafeteria right at 5:00. Most people went out on the mass start at 6:00. Next year we're thinking about letting people have their maps 15 minutes before the mass start, so that they can plan their course before they start.

Most of the controls were worth 30–90 points, but there were two 200-point controls and a 300-point control. Two of the controls had their lights off, so that made it more challenging for people to see the answers.

In the 60-minute division, Steve Haas came in first (240). The first team was Widerstrom, Bleile, & Gillis (150). Julia Doubson, Masha and Fyodor Konkov (130) were the first family, and Barbara Robben (40) was the first woman.

The 90-minute division was won by Rex Winterbottom (480) for the second year is a row. Penny DeMoss (320) was the first woman, Bud and Carol Laird (230) were the first team, and the Blonstein family (190) was the first family.

This year the potluck was a big success again, and we were surprised to see a whole table of pies!

The 2011 BAOC Service Award went to Kelly Wells. Congratulations Kelly, we appreciate all that you do for our club.

Speaking of the Service Award, we'd like to sing the praises of the many people who helped with this event. Thanks to:

And thanks to everyone for coming to our third annual Willow Glen Holiday Lights event. Many of you said that you had a great time. We hope to see you next year.


Willow Glen Holiday Lights and Potluck Social

San Jose, CA
Saturday, December 17, 2011

You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget (introduction; this event ( (See the comments below.)

60-Minute Division

                                   Total   Raw      Total     Penalties   Incorrect
  Pl  Name(s)                      Score  Score     Time     Late  Wrong   Control 
   1  Steve Haas                    240    240    00:59:22     0     0
   2  Dan Greene                    200    200    00:57:27     0     0
   3  Widerstrom, Bleile, Gillis    150    150    00:59:04     0     0
   4  Julia Doubson,
        Masha & Fyodor Konkov       130    160    00:55:00     0    30       44
   5  Daniel Kopisch                120    120    00:48:00     0     0
   6  DNA Kim                       110    110    00:59:55     0     0
   7  Conway Family                  70     70    00:56:30     0     0
   8  Vladimir Gusiatnikov,          70    120    01:01:02    20    30       80
        Lani Schreibstein
   9  Barbara Robben                 50     90    01:03:03    40     0

90-Minute Division

                                   Total   Raw      Total     Penalties   Incorrect
  Pl  Name(s)                      Score  Score     Time     Late  Wrong   Control 
   1  Rex Winterbottom              480    490    01:30:05    10     0
   2  Pierre Delforge               450    450    01:27:30     0     0
   3  Kyle Peter                    410    440    01:29:16     0    30       33
   4  Jason Reed                    390    420    01:29:54     0    30       45
   5  Steve Gregg                   360    360    01:28:22     0     0
   6  Greg Favor                    350    350    01:26:47     0     0
   7  Penny DeMoss                  320    320    01:27:06     0     0
   8  Tony Pinkham                  300    330    01:29:16     0    30       32
   9  Erika Kiruchi                 290    290    01:29:25     0     0
  10  Vicki Woolworth               260    260    01:28:55     0     0
  11  Geoffrey Sears                240    270    01:32:08    30     0
  11  Bud & Carol Laird             230    240    01:30:25    10     0
  13  Steve Beuerman                210    210    01:29:30     0     0
  14  Blonstein Family              190    190    01:24:20     0     0
  15  Toby & Jane Ferguson,
        Shaun & Trina Etherington   190    190    01:24:35     0     0
  16  Jeff Lanam                    190    190    01:28:42     0     0
  17  Kim & Trevor Graham,
        Allen Gee                   180    180    01:22:08     0     0
  18  Cassie Pelayo                 160    160    01:29:29     0     0
  19  Jane Melia                    160    200    01:33:19    40     0
  20  Kathy Ornellas, Nancy Glenn   150    150    01:26:21     0     0
  21  Franco-Lee Family             130    130    01:21:40     0     0
  22  Esther Heller, Nick Corsano   130    140    01:30:40    10     0
  23  Jordan & Bailey               110    110    01:21:40     0     0
  24  Lara Willing                  110    110    01:28:56     0     0
  25  Cassandra, Hannah,
        Elisabeth, & Natalie        100    190    01:35:20    60    30       51
  26  Nancy Lindeman                 80     80    01:06:22     0     0
  27  Gary Robertsen                 50     50    01:12:35     0     0
  27  Mary Robertsen                 50     50    01:12:35     0     0


Comments on RouteGadget for This Event

Since this is a Score-O setup with no e-punch, RouteGadget only knows about the Start and Finish locations. All the control circles are included directly on the map image. When drawing your route, be sure to visit the Finish only when you have completed your route. That is, the blue line pointing to the Finish should follow you throughout your route.

You need to enter your name and total time in MMMSS format before drawing your route. For example, 89:52 is entered as 8952.

For the animation, each competitor's speed is averaged out over the whole length of their route. For Score-O this works out just fine as competitors often end up taking very different routes anyway.