2011 Golden Goat and Golden Kid
Camp Tamarancho
Date: (Sun.) Dec. 11, 2011
Location: Fairfax, CA
Event Director: - 415.747.2768
Course Setter: Greg Ehrensing
Type: Extra long courses with a mass start -- sorry, but no beginner courses at this special event
Related Event Information
Event Announcement RouteGadget – Introduction RouteGadget – This Event (http://baoc.org/gadget/cgi/reitti.cgi?act=map&id=274&kieli=) Golden Goat Lifetime Points Control Descriptions
Event Write-Up
Not yet available
2011 Golden Goat and Golden Kid
Camp Tamarancho
Fairfax, CA
Sunday, December 11, 2011
On the Golden Goat and Golden Kid, each participant ran one of two butterfly variations (A or B) and was allowed to skip one control with a code 100 or above. The results below indicate which variations the participants ran and which controls they skipped. If you see the notation "B11", for example, that means variation B was run and the 11th control was skipped.
Since there were many valid paths through the Golden Goat and Golden Kid courses, WinSplits Online was not able to display split comparisons in the way it usually does. But those splits can be viewed here (http://www.obasen.nu/winsplits/online/en/show_event.asp?id=19468).
For the Golden Goat, the "Points" column indicates the number of new Golden Goat Lifetime Points each person earned this year. The updated Lifetime Points table is available in this file (PDF/90KB). Some comments about this year's Lifetime Points results are below. (Corrections to the Lifetime Points table can be sent to .)
Note About Times
- A couple very serious problems with e-punch cropped up at the event:
- The clock used to launch the mass start was not synchronized with the clocks inside the control units.
- The e-punch reader could not be synchronized with any other components of the system.
- This precipitated considerable chaos. If you tracked your running time on your watch, you might have noticed that your own watch time was 2 or 3 minutes faster than the running time shown on your e-punch splits tag. You might have also noticed a bogus time of exactly 6 minutes for your first split. Both these problems have been corrected in the results below.
- To make a long story short, the mass start time was redefined as 10:14:25 AM instead of 10:12:00 AM, and all the results were recomputed. Sorry for any confusion or heartache this might have caused.
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You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget (introduction; this event (http://baoc.org/gadget/cgi/reitti.cgi?act=map&id=274)). For the Goats the animation looks great! Take a look. RouteGadget handles Goats, Score-O's, butterfly loops, etc. nicely, since it has an option to use splits to determine the order in which each competitor visited the controls. In a way, each competitor makes their own course. (You can see other RouteGadget events worldwide here (http://www.routegadget.net).)
Pl Name(s) Variation Time Points
Golden Goat Course (12.6 km, 670 m climb, 24 controls) 1 Matthias Müller A24 1:45:36 25 2 Jonas Kjäll A24 1:46:06 20 3 Joseph Doetsch B11 2:00:17 15 4 François Léonard A11 2:01:10 12 5 Pierre Delforge B24 2:06:02 11 6 Dennis Wilkinson A21 2:09:16 10 7 Geir Moholdt A24 2:23:56 9 8 Jonathan Owens B24 2:28:05 8 9 Tapio Karras B14 2:32:25 7 10 Kyle Peter A24 2:33:37 6 11 Alex Finch B24 2:36:06 5 12 Brendan O'Brien B14 2:39:31 4 13 Misha Kreslavsky A21 2:40:49 3 14 Andrew Peterson B11 2:41:13 2 15 Steve Gregg B21 2:44:32 1 16 Stephen Harrison B14 2:52:20 17 Deron van Hoff A11 2:57:18 18 Lou Lederer B21 2:59:24 19 Eric Rosenzweig A24 3:04:09 20 Greg Favor A24 3:06:33 21 Penny DeMoss A21 3:14:35 22 Ralf Burgert B24 3:15:23 23 David Harrison A24 3:19:58 24 Adam Doti B17 3:26:40 25 Luc Poppe A24 3:33:09 26 Kent Ohlund B11 3:34:54 27 Theo Verhoeven A24 3:50:05 28 Graham Brew A24 3:50:12 29 Christine Brew A24 3:50:14 30 Julian Lallemand A24 3:50:25 31  Steve Haas B11  3:52:35 Matthias Kohler B21 DNF Shura Kretchetov B DNF Golden Kid Course (8.3 km, 350 m climb, 16 controls) 1 Manfred Kopisch B16 1:38:38 2 Johanna Merriss B16 1:39:29 3 Werner Haag A11 1:41:19 4 Karin Leonhardt A16 1:45:02 5 Nikolay Chukanov B6 1:48:15 6 Marie-Josee Parayre A11 1:54:08 7 Peter Graube A11 1:58:47 8 Wayne Caplinger B11 1:59:38 9 Cornelia Coolen A14 2:10:04 10 Bob Cooley A11 2:15:35 11 Vicki Woolworth A11 3:04:47 12 Bill Follette B16 3:06:38 Patty Clemo B11 DNF Michael Miller A11 DNF Geoffrey Sears A14 DNF Kate Campbell A DNF Terri Hunt, Kevin Hinkley B11 DNF Meagher, Zurowski, Beeler B14 DNF
Pl Name(s) Time
Little Brown Goat Course (3.4 km, 140 m climb, 8 controls) 1 Daniel Kopisch 56:14 Â 2 Â Joe Maffei 1:03:38 Â 3 Â Gary Kraght 1:22:12 Â 4 Â Jane Melia 1:29:42 Â 5 Â Jeff Lanam 1:43:38 Â 6 Â Chuck Spalding 1:52:54 Â 7 Â Terry Gleason 2:01:09 Â 8 Â Michelle Daher 2:19:49 Jason & Bibit Trout DNF Nancy Lindeman DNF Second Course Eugene Wilkinson DNF Orange Course (3.6 km, 190 m climb, 8 controls) 1 Eugene Wilkinson 55:38 2 Fred Callaway 1:59:38 Nicholas & Jennifer Miller DNF Scott Sampson DNF Gus Callaway DNF Amelia Archer DNF Teruko Follette DNF Richard Merriss DNF Olga Kraght DNF Second Course Joe Maffei 1:05:56 _______________
DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
Comments on the 2011 Golden Goat Lifetime Points Table
The following people moved up the indicated number of places this year:
- Kyle Peter +19
- Dennis Wilkinson +11
- Alex Finch +5
- Pierre Delforge +5
- Jonas Kjäll +4
- François Léonard +2
The following people held their place in the table this year ("*" indicates those who ran this year):
- 1 – Martin Kunz
- 2 – Steve Gregg (*)
- 3 – Syd Reader
- 4 – Tapio Karras (*)
- 5 – Vladimir Gusiatnikov
- 16 – Kent Ohlund (*)
- 17 – Christian Degen
- 17 – James Scarborough
- 19 – Derek Maclean
- 20 – Michael Prindiville
Everyone else moved down one or more places.
The following people scored their first Golden Goat Lifetime Points this year by finishing in the indicated places at the event:
- 1 – Matthias Müller
- 3 – Joseph Doetsch
- 7 – Geir Moholdt
- 8 – Jonathan Owens
- 12 – Brendan O'Brien
- 13 – Misha Kreslavsky
- 14 – Andrew Peterson
(Corrections to the Lifetime Points table can be sent to .)