Bon Tempe Reservoir
Date: Nov. 12 - 13, 2011
Location: Fairfax, CA
Event Director: - 510.658.4327
Course Setter: Penny DeMoss
Type: C; Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event; LIMITED ATTENDANCE; RESERVATIONS REQUIRED
Related Event Information
Event Announcement RouteGadget – Introduction RouteGadget – This Event (
Event Write-Up
Once again we were blessed with lovely weather for the annual volunteer appreciation event at Bon Tempe. Unfortunately, it did rain on Friday when Harold and I put the controls out ... oh well. Everyone seemed to enjoy the courses and the socializing and treats afterwards. Thanks very much to Marie-Josée, Cornelia, and Marsha for bringing additional treats to share. Lots of wildlife spotted, but not the elusive bear!
Just about everyone noticed and commented on how much the vegetation has changed from what's mapped. Maybe some of it had to do with the extra wet winter we had last year. I had to completely rework my courses after attempting to vet the originals, which went into the eastern areas of white. It has become so overgrown with french broom (mostly) and poison oak, that I was forced to start over. So, the final courses stayed in the much more runnable western areas, and more than one competitor remarked that it was "so nice to be able to just run!".
The Short course (3.4 km, 135 m climb) was won by Marsha Jacobs in 1:15:56. Joan Roos was 2nd in 1:51:13, with Rosemary Johnson in 3rd in 2:19:40. The Medium course (5.3 km, 200 m climb) was won by Derek Maclean at 1:11:50, with Gary Kraght in 2nd at 1:14:36, and Dan Greene in 3rd at 1:18:44. The first three places on the Long course (7 km, 280,m climb) were a repeat of last year. François Léonard once again led the way with a winning time of 1:02:52. Mikkel Conradi was 2nd in 1:08:00, and Rex Winterbottom was 3rd in 1:09:08. Full results can be viewed below.
Thank you to those that helped out with the Bon Tempe event. Bob Cooley printed the maps, and control pick up was done by Dan Greene, Nancy Lindeman, Greg Ehrensing, Jim Fish, Steve Gregg, and Rex Winterbottom. And, of course, to all those who attended, thank you once again for volunteering throughout the year. We would not have been able to have such a full and well organized year of fun without you.
As a number of people mentioned yesterday, running at Bon Tempe means the holidays are just around the corner. Happy Holidays to you all and see you in the woods.
Penny and Harold DeMoss
Bon Tempe Reservoir
Fairfax, CA
Saturday & Sunday, November 12 & 13, 2011
You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget (introduction; this event ( (See the note below about how to enter your time data.)
Here are the results from both days at Bon Tempe. The weather was the same both days ... as in terrific!
Pl Name(s) Time
Short Course (3.4 km, 135 m climb, 9 controls) 1 Marsha Jacobs 1:15:56 2 Joan Roos 1:51:13 3 Rosemary Johnson 2:19:40 4 Judy Koehler 2:26:00 5 Nancy Lindeman 2:35:57 Leslie & Sarah Minarik DNF Medium Course (5.3 km, 200 m climb, 14 controls) 1 Derek Maclean 1:11:50 2 Gary Kraght 1:14:36 3 Dan Greene 1:18:44 4 Greg Ehrensing 1:19:36 5 Wayne Caplinger 1:25:25 6 Chuck Spalding 1:27:44 7 Tony Pinkham 1:28:36 8 Stephanie Maclean 1:29:37 9 Brad Wetmore 1:33:42 10 Gian & Cornelia Coolen 1:48:16 11 Marie-Josée Parayre 1:57:05 12 Evan Custer 1:58:03 13 Jeff Lanam 2:20:10 14 Judy & Tom Cronin 2:24:30 15 Rachel & Dwight Freund 2:32:27 16 Jennifer Kerr 2:40:17 17 Jim Fish 2:43:19 18 Olga Kraght 2:47:15 19 Steve Beuerman 3:05:16 20 Paula Zurowski, Mike Meagher 3:16:20 George Minarik DNF Long Course (7.0 km, 280 m climb, 20 controls) 1 François Léonard 1:02:52 2 Mikkel Conradi 1:08:00 3 Rex Winterbottom 1:09:05 4 Mark Prior 1:18:53 5 Tapio Karras 1:20:20 6 Werner Haag 1:25:33 7 Steve Gregg 1:25:42 8 Matthias Kohler 1:33:41 9 Cedric Lafargues 1:43:38 10 Peter Graube 1:55:21 11 Theo Verhoeven 1:59:09 12 Mark Blair 2:12:27 13 Luc Poppe 2:16:47 14 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 2:37:41 Pierre Delforge DNF _______________
DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
Note Regarding Entering RouteGadget Data
Since there was no e-punch, the event is set up using the "no results" mode, where competitors need to enter their name, total time, and any cumulative splits that they might have taken. You can draw your route even if you didn't take any splits, just enter your name and total time. Note that if you are uploading a GPS track, you don't need to enter your total time or splits.
Note that RouteGadget requires cumulative splits. Both splits and total time need to be in MMMSS format. For example, 0:57 is entered as "57", 5:43 as "543", and 1:12:32 as "7232". That's easy.