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McLaren Park

Date: (Sat.) Nov. 6, 2010
Location: San Francisco, CA
Event Director: - 925.872.3935
Course Setter: Jay Hann
Type: Junior; The second COOL use of this new map

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Event Write-Up


The weather was cool at McLaren Park, after some early morning showers — perfect weather for Orienteering!

There was a slow start to the season, with no more than one student from each school division competing. This means that the field is wide open for schools with two or three students.

For the elementary schools, Julia Doubson took 100 points for Elementary School Girls and David Williams took 100 points for Elementary School Boys. Julia had what you might call a perfect score, starting in first place on the first leg, and staying there, with the first-place time on every single leg, ending with a blistering 8.74 minute pace. David had a 9-minute error on control 8, but had more 2nd-place legs than anyone else running Course 1.

The most interesting race was in Middle School Girls, between Constance Stovestre, Masha Konkov, and Julia Doubson (running a second course). Constance is new to the league this year coming to us from Bergen, Norway, where she did orienteering and attended a week-long training camp last summer. Constance trounced the competition on the Yellow course at Burton Creek in September. You may remember that Julia took the Gold medal at the U.S. Sprint Championships in June. Masha is another long-time orienteer, taking the Sprint Bronze medal in the 2007 U.S. Sprint Championships. So in retrospect, it shouldn't have been a surprise that these three young ladies would give us the great race that they did.

At the first control Julia was ahead of Constance by a mere two seconds, with Masha trailing by 43 seconds. But Constance made up the time and more at the second control, taking the lead by 11 seconds, with Masha trailing by 61 seconds. Then it happened: Constance made almost a three-minute error on control 3, and Julia regained the lead, Masha in 2nd place by 65 seconds, and Constance in 3rd by 2:33. These standings remained for control 4. Then at control 5 Julia made a four-minute error, bringing Masha out on top even with Masha's one-minute error, with Constance in 2nd by 34 seconds, and Julia in 3rd by 1:40.

They entered leg 6 with a dramatically tightened field. Masha is smoking hot on leg 6 with a first-place time. Julia falls behind to 2nd place by 2:23, and Constance makes a three-minute error and falls to 3rd place (4th overall) by 4:16. On legs 7 and 8, Julia is smoking with two first-place legs. Masha makes a couple of small mistakes, but is still in first place, with Julia in 2nd by 28 seconds, and Constance in 3rd by 2:59. On leg 9, Masha makes a 2-minute error and drops to 2nd place. Constance is now "at one" with the course and pulls out four first-place legs on 9, 10, 11, and 12. Julia has good clean legs and remains in 1st place at control 12, with Constance in 2nd by 1:45, and Masha three seconds behind Constance, barely in 3rd by 1:48. Constance and Julia tie for the fastest leg 13, Constance takes a first-place finish leg, but the standings remain at Julia in first, Constance in second by 1:39, and Masha in third by 2:20.

Since this was Julia's second race, Constance takes 100 points for Middle School Girls, and Masha takes 96.8 points. Emily Hann takes 51.8 points in her first complete Yellow course by herself.

Samuel Morris takes 100 points for Middle School Boys, and Daniel Sebo, running up a level, takes 86.4 points for Middle School Boys. Samuel had quite a consistent run, with only one major error at control 2. Daniel, at seven years old, had quite a remarkable run. Although he had errors on five of the legs, he had a first-place leg #6, tying with Masha Konkov.

William Morris took 100 points for JV Boys, and Ben Hallsted took 72.7 points for JV Boys. William had six first-place legs, and at control 10 he was in first place overall, ahead of all the adults on Course 3. A 4.5-minute error on leg 11 dropped William to third overall, and that is how he ended the race. Ben had a mostly consistent run with only three errors.

Matej Sebo took 100 points for Varsity Boys, and Jonathan Hallsted took 78 points for Varsity Boys. Matej had a remarkable run with a first-place leg #3, and with only one 4-minute error on leg 8, and an overall pace of just under 10 minutes per kilometer. Jonathan had a good run with a first-place leg #7, but five small errors took him down to a 12.7-minute pace.

Interscholastic Championships

We will be hosting the Interscholastic (IS) Championships on April 16–17 (Sprint likely on the 15th) this Spring. How do the paces at this event stack up against the IS Champs last April? Generally quite well.

Matej with his 9.9-minute pace would have come in 2nd out of 56 on Saturday, and 3rd out of 57 on Sunday. Jonathan would have come in 9th on Saturday and Sunday. Only DVOA had more than one person in the top ten, so these are impressive results.

Out of 55 JV Boys, William and Ben would have been 3rd and 10th on Saturday, and William would have been 6th on Sunday.

For Middle School Boys, the 10th pace on Saturday was 12.2 minutes and 15.1 minutes on Sunday, so Samuel and Daniel are fairly close for so early in the season.

For Middle School Girls, Julia, Constance, and Masha would have been in the top 2 on Saturday and the top 5 on Sunday. Even Emily, new to Yellow, would have taken 9th place both days.

For Elementary Girls, Julia would have beaten her own first-place time on Saturday, and just missed her own first-place time on Sunday.

All in all, a promising future for BAOC's participation in the upcoming IS Champs.

General Comments

I like seeing a few errors out there. This means that you are learning! If you ever have a run without errors, it usually means that you aren't running fast enough.

You learn best when you are right on the edge of your abilities. If you aren't already running Course 4, and you are doing well in your current level, plan to take some time and run the next level up, like Daniel, Constance, and Julia did at this event. All second courses at COOL meets are free for COOL members, because we encourage this kind of learning.



McLaren Park
San Francisco, CA
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results (

Individual results as of this meet

Team results as of this meet

Results by Class

  Pl  Name                 Points     min/km       Time

Elementary School Girls  (Course 1 – 0.9 km, 50 m climb, 13 controls)
   1  Julia Doubson        100.0        8.74        7:52 

Elementary School Boys  (Course 1 – 0.9 km, 50 m climb, 13 controls)
   1  David Williams       100.0       29.81       26:50 

Middle School Girls  (Course 2 – 1.2 km, 65 m climb, 13 controls)
   1  Constance Storvestre 100.0       17.24       20:41 
   2  Masha Konkov          96.8       17.81       21:22 
   3  Emily Hann            51.8       33.26       39:55 

   Second Course

      Julia Doubson        100.0       15.86       19:02 

Middle School Boys   (Course 2 – 1.2 km, 65 m climb, 13 controls)
   1  Samuel Morris        100.0       19.32       23:11 
   2  Daniel Sebo           86.4       22.36       26:50 

JV Boys              (Course 3 – 2.1 km, 100 m climb, 12 controls)
   1  William Morris       100.0       12.18       25:35 
   2  Ben Hallsted          72.7       16.75       35:10 

Varsity Boys         (Course 4 – 3.2 km, 138 m climb, 18 controls)
   1  Matej Sebo           100.0        9.90       31:41 
   2  Jonathan Hallsted     78.0       12.70       40:38 

Results by Course

  Pl  Name(s)                    Time

Course 1       (0.9 km, 50 m climb, 13 controls)
   1  Julia Doubson               7:52
   2  David Williams             26:50

Course 2       (1.2 km, 65 m climb, 13 controls)
   1  Constance Storvestre       20:41
   2  Masha Konkov               21:22
   3  Samuel Morris              23:11
   4  Daniel Sebo                26:50
   5  Emily Hann                 39:55

   Second Course

      Julia Doubson              19:02

Course 2 Long  (1.5 km, 90 m climb, 15 controls)
   Second Course

      Constance Storvestre       20:18

Course 3       (2.1 km, 100 m climb, 12 controls)
   1  William Morris             25:35
   2  Ben Hallsted               35:10

Course 4       (3.2 km, 138 m climb, 18 controls)
   1  Matej Sebo                 31:41
   2  Jonathan Hallsted          40:38