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Camp Tamarancho

Date: (Sun.) Jul. 15, 2007
Location: Fairfax, CA
Event Director: - 510.407.1876
Course Setters: Rex Winterbottom, Greg Ehrensing
Type: B; Standard seven courses--White (easy beginner) through Blue (strenuous advanced)

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Event Write-Up


It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. For those stung by bees on the Brown course, or hoodwinked by too-close controls on Green, and those who expected Orange to be, well, Orange, it might not have been the best event ever. I'm afraid we missed the bees on our course-setting runs, and hope we made the appropriate corrections in the results to compensate for control placement.

As for the Orange course, we did annotate it as "might we say, challenging" but really should have come up with a shorter version for Orange and called this one Long Orange, or Burnt Sienna. Despite this, and the steep drive up the hill, and the remote parking, we really hope some folks had a good time. And based on the buzz on the BayONet, at least a few adventure racers enjoyed it.

It was great to see so many younger folk out, seemed like several on the White course were shouting to their elders to hurry up at the finish. Julia Doubson tore up the White course, edging out Ryan Mack-Murphy who, undaunted, then went on to drag Suzy Mack-Murphy around the Yellow course as well.

Also attempting multiple courses was Alex Finch who completed White and Yellow with his son Chris Finch before attempting the now-legendary Orange course of doom. We did have a few brave finishers there, with Karen Cook finishing in exactly 1:30:00, and Randy Franklin less than 10 minutes behind.

Toby Ferguson not only sailed through the Brown course in less than 40 minutes, but also had the energy to relay messages from the Finish to the Start and fill in wherever he was pointed. Steve Gregg finished Green in less than an hour, and Matthias Kohler headed the small Red field with 1:25:26. There was a nice cluster (Mikkel Conradi, Mattias Eriksson, Dag Ainsoo, and Sergey Grushin) finishing within 2.5 minutes of each other on Blue .


Of course, the event could not have been held without the help of all the following people.

Rex Winterbottom: course setter and trainer
Greg Ehrensing: course setter (WYO), meet setup, starts, control pickup
Ben Legg: vetter, meet setup, beginners' clinics, finishes, traffic control
Ev and Jean Beuerman: registration (filling in for Gary Kraght)
Toby and Cameron Ferguson: finishes, and running around filling in where needed
Dean French and Shirley Pierce: starts
Jim Fish: streamering when route to start was changed
Masha Konkov: finishes
Harold and Penny DeMoss: bringing and setting up shade tent
Judy Koehler: beginners' clinics, traffic control
Ruth Kadel, Jim Fish, Steve Gregg, and Peter Graube: epunch team
Peter Graube: staying until the last person checked in
Joanne and Robin Leadbetter: early morning gopher duties, and being on call all day
Mark Blair: control pick-up and general cleanup, equipment meister
Theo Verhoven and Jan Vanhoutte: remote control pick up
Bob Cooley: map production
Brad Wetmore and Chuck Spalding: timely reminders and general oversight
Ranger Dana Hanley
The Marin Council, Boy Scouts of America

Thanks so much to all of the above, especially Rex, Greg, and Ben for putting up with road construction schedules and doing a huge share of the work. Hope I haven't missed anyone, but thanks all the same if I did.


Camp Tamarancho

Fairfax, CA
Sunday, July 15, 2007

  Pl  Name                                 Time

White Course    (1.2 km, 40 m climb, 8 controls)

   1  Julia Doubson                        13:44
   2  Suzy & Ryan Mack-Murphy              17:44
   3  Jack & Karen Peabody                 20:28
   4  Gabrielle Delforge-Melia             21:44
   5  Alex & Chris Finch                   22:38
   6  Danielle, Adam, & Anna Strauss       30:00
   7  Anita Yerneni                        30:25
   8  Emily Hann (shadowed)                40:02
   9  Lauren Wemmer, Kiki & Alison Weber   42:00
  10  Sarah Robson                         42:58
  11  Jessica Jasper, Hilary Hardcastle    43:20
  12  Nina Schindler                       49:55

      Deardra Rogers, Gabriel Maria      lost punch card

Yellow Course   (2.5 km, 105 m climb, 9 controls)

   1  Cameron Ferguson, Tal Zehavi         32:32
   2  Ramana Yerneni                       35:50
   3  Stella Marinova                      43:21
   4  Ben Skubi                            45:51
   5  Tom & Sandy Guldman                  49:32
   6  Juliette Delforge-Melia            1:00:05
   7  Judy Koehler                       1:00:54
   8  David Bond                         1:02:18
   9  Paul, Kathy, & Jeanne Li           1:10:32
  10  Trevor, Gary, & Viola Swallow      1:12:53
  11  Jessica Finch, Hamish Ferguson     1:14:23
  12  Tina Twite, Pete Piewett           1:23:00
  13  Kelly Ball                         1:23:57
  14  Pat & Sky Collins                  1:32:34
  15  Hani Juha, Angie Peckham,
        Sasha Totah                      1:35:51
  16  Eric & Jason Burris                1:42:42
  17  Birmingham/Bailey-Cates
        (group of 6)                     1:48:26

      Jennifer Rozler                      DNF

  Second Course

      Alex & Chris Finch                   35:05
      Suzy and Ryan Mack-Murphy            46:13

Orange Course   (3.5 km, 290 m climb, 13 controls)

   1  Karen Cook                         1:30:00
   2  Randy Franklin                     1:39:06
   3  WAD team: Brad, Audrey, & Jess     1:39:49
   4  Marina Keating                     2:01:27
   5  Chris Broekhoff                    2:14:14
   6  Deron, John, & Jean van Hoff       3:09:05

      Mark Ball                            DNF
      Steve O'Keefe                        DNF
      Jack & Karen Peabody                 DNF
      Tristan Delforge                     DNF
      Don Gee                              DNF
      Peter Rogers                         DNF
      Jennifer Klafin                      DNF
      Galen Pewtherer                      DNF
      Alex Finch                           DNF   (3rd course)
      David Harrison                       DNF
      Kevin Hinkley, Terri Hunt            DNF
      Kathy Fleming                        DNF
      Jurgen Luwald                        DNF

Brown Course    (2.2 km, 135 m climb, 9 controls)

   1  Toby Ferguson                        36:03
   2  Lauren Knight                        50:26
   3  Mike Fleishman                     1:02:49
   4  Fred Ciaramaglia                   1:03:33
   5  Dwight Freund                      1:06:21
   6  Bud & Colleen Laird                1:07:53
   7  Jim Fish                           1:09:30
   8  Hilary Hardcastle                  1:12:19
   9  Shane Parson                       1:16:11
  10  Yulia Pushkar                      1:16:30
  11  Joan Roos                          1:22:10
  12  Beth Dixon                         1:26:20
  13  Terry Gleason                      1:27:07
  14  Heidi Stenner                      1:27:11
  15  Web Jordan, Linda Koziol           1:31:10
  16  Jan Vanhoutte                      1:35:56
  17  Oleg Shakhnovsky                   2:04:44
  18  Nancy Lindeman                     2:14:34
  19  Dean French                        2:14:38

      George Minarik                       MSP
      Cameron Ferguson                     DNF
      Wes Erck                             DNF

Green Course    (3.2 km, 285 m climb, 14 controls)

   1  Steve Gregg                          54:25
   2  Bob Cooley                         1:05:17
   3  Kent Ohlund                        1:06:20
   4  Penny DeMoss                       1:09:13
   5  Rich Parker                        1:11:42
   6  Jim Waite                          1:14:00
   7  Chuck Spalding                     1:15:08
   8  Fyodor Konkov                      1:28:39
   9  Bjorn Widerstrom                   1:35:17
  10  Stephen Harrison                   1:38:20
  11  Bill Strauss                       1:47:59
  12  Trinka Gillis                      2:08:20
  13  Nick Corsano                       2:20:39
  14  Jennifer Kerr                      2:46:54

      Evan Custer                          DNF
      Jeff Lanam                           DNF

Red Course      (4.3 km, 345 m climb, 16 controls)

   1  Matthias Kohler                    1:25:26
   2  Eric Rosenzweig                    1:59:25
   3  Michael Behrens                    2:09:50
   4  Simon Wakeman                      2:11:32
   5  Mark Blair                         2:18:36
   6  Manfred Kopisch                    2:48:28

      Brad Wetmore                         DNF

Blue Course     (5.2 km, 405 m climb, 22 controls)

   1  Mikkel Conradi                     1:16:48
   2  Mattias Eriksson                   1:17:15
   3  Dag Ainsoo                         1:18:26
   4  Sergey Grushin                     1:18:39
   5  Vladimar Gusiatnikov               1:27:33
   6  Jonathan Owens                     1:29:42
   7  Francois Leonard                   1:33:21
   8  Travis Parker                      1:48:31
   9  Andrejus Masalkovas                1:48:51
  10  Peter Graube                       2:05:10
  11  Nick Weber                         2:09:34
  12  Roger Pruett                       2:14:20
  13  Alexander Brunette                 2:14:24
  14  Todd Paulsen                       2:40:03
  15  Anne Deucher                       2:43:34
  16  John Ryan, Mila Olson              3:04:13
  17  Margaret Longstreth                3:09:58
  18  Greg & Leslie Favor                3:39:46

      Bob Lapanja                          DNF
      Igor Guskov                          DNF
      Pierre Delforge                      DNF
      Tomer Maymon                         DNF
      Theo Verhoeven                       DNF
      Ken White                            DNF
      Joe Maffei                           DNF


DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)
MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)