Golden Goat and Golden Kid
Briones Regional Park
Date: (Sun.) Mar. 25, 2007
Location: Lafayette, CA
Event Director: - 510.658.4327
Course Setter: Penny DeMoss
Type: Extra long and strenuous courses, plus Orange (intermediate) course; NO BEGINNER COURSES
Related Information
Event announcement Splits for Goat and Kid WinSplits for Orange course ( RouteGadget - Introduction RouteGadget - Goat & Kid ( RouteGadget - Orange ( Lifetime Points through 2007
Event Write-Up
By Penny DeMoss
It was a good turnout for the 12th annual Golden Goat (and Golden Kid), and as is often the case, there was a very high completion rate. Congratulations to all the hardy Goats (and Kids). There was also an Orange course that could be called a "Mini Goat", as it was rather physical and shared many controls with the Goat.
The Golden Goat was 13.1 km with 837 m climb. The Kid was 6.9 km with 410 m climb. Competitors were allowed to skip any one of the first 15 of the 27 controls. All competitors also had to decide which way to go on a long split that had 3 controls per split.
Well, by now everyone knows the best skip, and in fact the only skip that could have really impacted the outcome of the race, was control 1. Going out to the road and running 1 km to the gate SW of 2, then up to the control was 5 minutes faster (my pace) than going to 2 via 1. More importantly though, it would have saved you (your legs, that is) those two big climbs right at the start—the one getting to 1 and the one leaving 1. Originally, I had the Start at the pond, but decided it wouldn't give you a chance to see this optimum skip, so I moved the Start about 300 m back along the trail. I was sure that someone would see it, and if only one person had jumped the gate to the road, others would have followed. Afterwards, many said they saw it, but were afraid that, since nobody else was heading out that way, they were missing something else that would be better. One runner, who finished in the top 10, said he saw it and could clearly see it would put him well ahead, but he didn't want to be in the lead and be chased down.
So, having failed to take the best skip, what else was there to consider? Some skipped 2, going out to the road, then cutting up to 3. Steve Gregg's high route after skipping 2 was probably a better route choice to 3. Vlad Gusiatnikov was smart to notice that doing the B split and skipping 15 was a good move. He picked up about 3-1/2 minutes. Most skipped 9, which only saved about 2 minutes.
The A and B splits were about even. I was a little faster on the B (western) when I ran them both for time, but my route choice from the third control on the A split probably wasn't the best. I contoured out from the control, across the spur, then dropped to the trail. Going immediately to the trail would have been faster, and I see on RouteGadget that's how most people went. But, as I mentioned, B was a better choice if you still had a skip to use (15). An interesting stat: twice as many Golden Goats (25 to 12) chose the A split over the B, but twice as many Golden Kids (24 to 12) chose B over A. What do we make of that?
Well, Martin Kunz has shown that Goats are his thing. Christion Degen, a fellow Swiss, gave him a good race though. Christian and Martin were together at 8. Martin skipped 9, but Christian, thinking he'd forgotten to punch at the 6 water stop, went to 9 and dropped two minutes behind. He got slightly ahead of a surprised Martin, however, on the wicked leg from 19 to 20. Christian went around to the north on the trail, but Martin took on the scary route through the reentrants. Martin sped ahead to retake the lead at 21 and held on to the end for the victory. Martin's time was 1:57:06 to Christian's time of 1:57:37. Congratulations to Martin for his fourth-in-a-row Golden Goat win! Third place went to visitor Olaf Binsch of Germany (or Holland). He had the fastest split on the 19-to-20 leg: 16:41. (Actually, the splits were from 18 to 20, since unit 19 went missing sometime before the start.) I wonder which way he went. His final time was 2:06:39.
The first woman on the Golden Goat was Jennifer Ratay, who was 18th overall in a time of 3:04:51. Jennifer missed 20, went to 21 and 22...realized what she'd done, went back to 20, then 21 and 22, then continued on. Argh. Second place was Jennifer Klafin in 3:51:56. The first Old Goat (50+), was Golden Goat Lifetime Points leader Steve Gregg. (If this is not correct, let me know. I confess that there were a couple runners ahead of Steve whose ages I'm not sure of.)
In the Golden Kid race, Jason Hogan looked long and hard at his map while standing in front of the GO control, before deciding to punch and head in for what turned out to be the win. Good job Jason. His time of 1:18:26 was well clear of second place Bob Cooley, who ran an impressive 1:29:04. Bob was also the first Old Goat on the Kid course. Evan Custer was pleased with his third-place finish of 1:37:50. The first woman on the Kid, 5th place overall, was a very fresh looking Stephanie Maclean in 1:43:12. Not too far behind, in 1:47:24, was Margaret Longstreth. Third place went to Ingvard Jakobsen in 1:54:01.
The Orange course was won by the duo of Bruce Wolfe and Tyler Gatteau in 56:26. Bruce wanted to introduce his new son-in-law to the sport. A bit of a harsh intro, but it looks like he must be pretty fit! Joe Maffei was second in 1:07:54. Thank you Joe, for carefully skirting around the horses who were initially spooked by the aid station, then wanted to eat the apple someone had asked us to place there. Third place overall, and first woman on the Orange, was Valeria Fedyk in 1:43:11. Lisa Knowles was second woman in 2:02:57—in spite of having Joe Scarborough along...ha ha ha.
Many thanks to the following helpers who made the event such a success: Bob Cooley printed the maps; Ev and Jean Beuerman handled registration; Galena Shakhnovsky manned the treats table; George Minarik vetted the Kid course; Trinka Gillis and the E-punch crew of Jim Fish, Evan Custer, Jeff Lanam, Rory Maclean; head ranger Denise Defreese and her staff who, once again, could not have been nicer or more helpful.
Last, but certainly not least, thanks to Kelly Wells and faithful Marley, who helped us pick up all of the controls on Monday. (Marley doesn't like rain, either...) We owe you.
Harold DeMoss, Event Director
Penny DeMoss, Course Setter
Golden Goat and Golden Kid
Briones Regional Park
Martinez, CA
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Also see the splits for the Goat & Kid and the Lifetime Points through 2007.
Golden Goat Pl Name(s) Controls Time Xtra Score 1 Martin Kunz 25 1:57:06 25 2 Christian Degen 26 1:57:37 -1 25 3 Olaf Binsch (Germany) 25 2:06:39 25 4 Mattias Vangbo 25 2:10:02 25 5 Dag Ainsoo 25 2:16:51 25 6 Michael Prindiville 25 2:19:06 25 7 Syd Reader 25 2:22:18 25 8 Vladimir Gusiatnikov 25 2:23:45 25 9 Mikkel Conradi 25 2:24:12 25 10 Francois Leonard 25 2:28:06 25 11 Roger Pruett 26 2:36:46 -1 25 12 Andrejus Masalkovas 25 2:38:02 25 13 Steve Gregg 25 2:39:48 25 14 Tapio Karras 25 2:40:46 25 15 Greg Khanlarov 25 2:49:33 25 16 Derek MacLean 25 2:59:48 25 17 Matthias Kohler 25 2:59:52 25 18 Jennifer Ratay 25 3:04:51 25 19 Greg Favor 25 3:07:35 25 20 Peter Graham 25 3:11:21 25 21 Kent Ohlund 25 3:12:43 25 22 Steve Smith 25 3:12:44 25 23 Brett Lehigh, Rod Jaehn 25 3:23:41 25 24 Michael Chaswtane 25 3:26:57 25 25 Adam Doti 25 3:26:58 25 26 Nik Weber 25 3:28:12 25 27 Joe Saba 25 3:35:06 25 28 Eric Rosenzweig 25 3:48:42 25 29 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 25 3:51:34 25 30 Jennifer Klafin 26 3:51:56 -1 25 31 Matthias Behrends 26 3:52:00 -1 25 32 Luc Poppe 25 3:52:21 25 33 Theo Verhoeven 25 3:57:28 25 34 Deron van Hoff 25 4:14:02 25 35 Cedric Lasfargues 26 4:21:13 -1 25 Tomer Maymon 24 3:40:29 DNF Anne Deucher, Curtis Coddwell 18 4:47:58 DNF Golden Kid Pl Name(s) Controls Time Xtra Score 1 Jason Hogan 15 1:18:26 15 2 Bob Cooley 15 1:29:04 15 3 Evan Custer 15 1:37:50 15 4 Chris Broekhoff 15 1:42:47 15 5 Stephanie Maclean 15 1:43:12 15 6 Mark Blair 15 1:45:24 15 7 Margaret Longstreth 15 1:47:24 15 8 Bill Papendick 15 1:48:08 15 9 Bob Strauss 15 1:49:05 15 10 Ingvard Jakobsen (LAOC) 15 1:54:01 15 11 Victor Passinsky 15 1:59:22 15 12 Frank Markowitz 15 2:00:48 15 13 Daniel Kopisch 15 2:02:45 15 14 Manfred Kopisch 15 2:02:46 15 15 Stacy Goss 15 2:05:54 15 16 Megan Bergkessel 15 2:07:51 15 17 Gerry Goss 15 2:09:02 15 18 Oleg Shakhnovsky 15 2:16:54 15 19 Kelly & Marley Wells 15 2:19:11 15 20 Alan Glendinning 15 2:20:48 15 21 Team 230 wakeup (LAOC) 15 2:21:12 15 22 Thierry Le Gall 15 2:21:14 15 23 Meg Gerstner 15 2:22:41 15 24 Brian Kirshner 15 2:23:49 15 25 Jeff Lanam 15 2:29:23 15 26 Helena Stolka, Luke Smith 15 2:44:41 15 27 Phillip Hoare 15 2:47:06 15 28 Jennifer Kerr (GCO) 15 3:00:28 15 29 Geoffrey Sears 15 3:19:46 15 30 Jim Fish 15 3:31:03 15 Scott Porter 14 1:08:15 DNF Toby & Cameron Ferguson 14 1:42:45 DNF Dean French 14 5:17:11 DNF Nancy Lindeman 14 5:17:28 DNF Chris Miller, Jim Palmer 13 3:49:01 DNF Joan Roos 7 2:47:57 DNF Orange Course (5.6 km, 325 m climb, 11 controls) Pl Name(s) Time 1 Tyler Gatteau, Bruce Wolfe 56:26 2 Joe Maffei 1:07:54 3 Valeria Fedyk 1:43:11 4 Jay Hann 1:49:50 5 Fred Ciaramaglia 1:50:29 6 James & John Pelster 1:56:03 7 Lisa Knowles, Joe Scarborough 2:02:57 8 Alan Houser 2:21:45 9 Shura & Elena Krechetov 2:24:46 10 MHS JROTC Team 1 2:30:27 11 Jay Sitaraman, Beatrice Roget 2:36:09 12 Terri Hunt 2:52:09 13 Vic Revenko 3:05:58 14 Harold Lischner 4:03:09 Brad & Eric Tubbs DNF Philipp Kopisch DNF MHS JROTC Team 2 DNF _______________ DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)