Scout-O Championships
Date: (Sun.) Oct. 9, 2005
Location: Lafayette, CA
Event Director: - 925.934.6567
Course Setter: Gavin Wyatt-Mair
Type: B; 13th annual Scout-O Championships for all scout levels (also see regular BAOC event)
Related Information
Event Announcement WinSplits ( Route Gadget (
Event Write-Up
By Gavin Wyatt-Mair
We had perfect weather, a great turnout, and plenty of fun at this year’s 13th Bay Area Scout Orienteering Championships and BAOC Briones event.
There were 425 pre-registered scouts and 117 BAOC participants, for a total of 542 runners.
This year we were again fortunate to have e-punching on all courses — a really great improvement to our efficiency and accuracy. The e-punching went very smoothly, thanks to a dedicated effort by our e-punch crew. We also were fortunate to have electronically computed results — within 15 minutes after the Score-O finished!!! Thanks Jay!
I’ve been waiting 14 years for this, and it’s finally happened! Congratulations to our 2005 Bay Area Scout Orienteering Champions: Girl Scout Troop 793 (Polish Scouting) from San Francisco, with a very convincing win.
Second place, and first Boy Scout troop, went to Troop 465 from Concord. Third place, and second place Boy Scouts, went to Troop 905 from Dublin. Troop 237 from Orinda came in fourth, and collared the third place Boy Scout Troop award.
The top Junior Scout troop award goes to Pack 403 from Pleasant Hill, who beat out Pack 464 from Walnut Creek by a mere 1 point.
The competition was organized in two parts:
- In the morning, there was individual competition according to skill level. Four courses were offered: Course 1 (White), Course 2 (Yellow), Course 3 (Yellow-Orange), and Course 4 (Orange). Scouts were required to compete in groups. The top three groups on each course were individual champions, receiving medals and certificates for their efforts.
- In the afternoon, there was a one-hour Score-O. Each control’s value was its number. The goal was to plan a good route, and get as many as you can.
The totals for each troop were computed from a combination of individual morning results and Score-O. Morning results were weighted based on time, and afternoon results were weighted based on number of correct controls found, with a lateness penalty.
Once again, we had an impressive improvement in orienteering skills amongst the Scouts. More and more scouts are doing the harder courses, and doing them well.
The undisputed Bay Area Scout Orienteering Champion for 2005 is Malcolm Wyatt-Mair from Troop 241 in Lafayette, who won Course 4, the orange course, in 56:51. In second place on course 4 was Mike Sobczyk of Troop 905 from Dublin, and third place goes to Garrett Pitsenbarger of Troop 227.
On Course 1 (the White course), first place was won by Ian Brown, James Parfitt, Karen Garman, and Kevin McGrew of Troop 66 in Davis. Second place goes to Zahir Kareshi and Max Friday of Troop 501 in Los Gatos, and third place to Adrian and Kevin of GS troop 793 in San Francisco.
David Katz, Ian Lundgren, and Travis Strong of Troop 241 in Lafayette won on an interesting Course 2 (Yellow). Second place went to Zac March and Michael Trebino of Troop 277 in Pleasant Hill, and third place to Sylvia, Magda, and Julia of GS troop 793 in San Francisco.
Course 3 (Yellow-Orange) was won by Charles Mighetto and DaMarlynn Wright of Troop 24 in Berkeley. Conrad of GS troop 793 in San Francisco placed 2nd, while Maxime and David also of GS troop 793 in San Francisco were third.
Erin and Tom of Troop 237 in Orinda collared top honors on the Adult course. George March and Mike Shubat of Troop 277 from Pleasant Hill placed second, while Mark Paulson and Bob Matthews, also of Troop 277 in Pleasant Hill, ran third. Since this was for bragging rights only, Erin and Tom get to be the biggest braggers — well done!
Troop scores are shown below. You can check out the comprehensive results and splits here (
Scout patches were distributed at the meet. If anyone did not receive a patch, as well as a course patch, please contact me. Anyone who has not yet received a patch for last year's meet, please also contact me: 925-934-6567 or e-mail
Thank you!
We would like to thank the East Bay Regional Park District and the Briones Park rangers for their support. The Park Rangers were particularly helpful with parking, access and advice, and we are very grateful to them. The scouts would like to thank BAOC for sponsoring the Scout-O event and helping scouting out. Thanks also to all the parents and scout leaders who took the time to bring their scouts to a day of orienteering.
To all our helpers: Thank you very much. With such a large attendance, help was the most essential element of the meet, and you all did a wonderful job! To those whom I have left out (and I'm sure I have, since there were so many ad-hoc volunteers), please accept my thanks, too. And of course, thanks to my family (Nina, Arwen, Malcolm, Kelsey, Wendy) for all their help and patience — typing, stuffing packets, telephone calls, mailings, recruiting, results, and putting up with the disruption.
Once again, BAOC members excelled and showed the club’s true colors with all their help and encouragement. Here is this year’s list of helpers with this caveat: I simply couldn’t record all the helpers and help that was given, so please, if your name is omitted, we are still very very grateful and I apologize for the omission.
Nina Tyksinski Pre-registration, phone calls, e-mail Bob Cooley Maps, and more maps Alan Houser Course design (WYO), vetting, safety, start, bag set, bag pickup Jay Hann Results, bag set, water, photos, bag pickup Chris Hann Bag set Judy Koehler Photos, awards ceremony, instruction, scout packets Jean Beuerman Registration Ev Beuerman Registration Mark Blair Bag pickup Nancy Lindeman Bag pickup, instruction, packets Terry Gleason Instruction, registration, parking Bill Straka Instruction, scout packets, start Barbara Straka Scout packets, start Penny DeMoss Start Harold DeMoss Start Roberta Pitsenbarger Score-O signups Joan Roos Finish, instruction Grace Tang Finish Trinka Gillis E-punch Evan Custer E-punch Steve Gregg E-punch Rosemary Johnson E-punch, permits Bjorn Widerstrom E-punch Jeff Lanam E-punch Evan Custer E-punch, equipment Joe Scarborough Early run Mikkel Conradi Early run
2005 Scout-O Championships
Briones Regional Park
Martinez, CA
Sunday, October 9, 2005
Overall Results
Results by Course
(Also see the Results by Team.)
Pl Team Time Course 1 (3.3 km, 11 controls) 1 Troop 66 Team 1 51:13 2 Troop 501 Team 1 51:35 3 GS Troop 793 Team 1 54:11 4 GS Troop 383 Team 4 56:28 5 Troop 905 Team 6 58:16 6 Troop 24 Team 3 1:03:23 7 Troop 501 Team 4 1:06:12 8 GS Troop 346 Team 1 1:07:22 9 Troop 30 Team 1 1:08:17 10 GS Troop 346 Team 2 1:08:22 11 Troop 501 Team 2 1:08:45 12 GS Troop 793 Team 3 1:10:47 13 GS Troop 383 Team 3 1:11:33 14 GS Troop 793 Team 2 1:12:17 15 Pack 294 Team 1 1:14:18 16 Troop 24 Team 7 1:14:55 17 Troop 24 Team 6 1:14:57 18 Troop 24 Team 5 1:14:58 19 Troop 66 Team 2 1:16:54 20 Troop 810 Team 2 1:19:02 21 Pack 815 Den 5 Team 2 1:20:35 22 J GS Troop 1042 Team 2 1:23:13 23 Pack 815 Den 1 Team 1 1:24:20 24 Pack 403 Team 3 1:24:29 25 GS Troop 1881 Team 2 1:25:58 26 GS Troop 1883 and Team 1:27:49 27 Troop 234 Team 1 1:29:03 28 GS Troop 885 Team 1 1:29:26 29 Troop 234 Team 3 1:29:46 30 Troop 234 Team 2 1:30:07 31 Troop 234 Team 4 1:30:32 32 Pack 403 Team 4 1:32:26 33 J GS Troop 1042 Team 1 1:33:07 34 Troop 465 Team 7 1:34:50 35 GS Troop 1881 Team 1 1:36:09 36 Pack 403 Team 6 1:37:07 37 Troop 277 Team 4 1:37:24 38 Pack 403 Team 5 1:38:41 39 Troop 465 Team 2 1:38:47 40 GS Troop 1883 and Team 1:39:01 41 J GS Troop X Team 1 1:39:07 42 Troop 905 Team 5 1:39:41 43 GS Troop 2210 Team 1 1:41:32 44 GS Troop 1883 and Team 1:42:42 45 GS Troop 1883 and Team 1:46:34 46 GS Troop 1881 Team 3 1:47:21 47 Troop 905 Team 4 1:47:35 48 J GS Troop 1042 Team 3 1:48:10 49 Pack 815 Den x Team 1 1:48:31 50 GS Troop 2304 Team 4 1:48:33 51 GS Troop 885 Team 2 1:50:16 52 GS Troop 383 Team 1 1:51:55 53 Pack 232 Team 2 1:52:11 54 Pack 403 Team 7 1:52:15 55 Troop 465 Team 4 2:03:20 56 Pack 232 Team 3 2:13:32 57 Troop 277 Team 2 2:20:04 58 Pack 464 Team 3 2:25:19 59 Pack 464 Team 1 2:41:43 60 GS Troop 357 Team 1 2:47:03 J GS Troop 2162 Team 1 DNF J GS Troop 2162 Team 2 DNF J GS Troop 2162 Team 3 DNF Pack 232 Team 1 DNF Pack 464 Team 4 DNF Troop 277 Team 1 DNF Troop 277 Team 3 DNF Troop 277 Team 5 DNF Troop 810 Team 1 DNF GS Troop 2431 Team 1 DNF GS Troop 2431 Team 2 DNF Pack 815 Den 5 Team 1 DNF Den 9 Pack 815 DNF GS Troop 383 Team 2 DNS Pack 232 Team 4 DNS Troop 11 Team 1 DNS Course 2 (3.6 km, 12 controls) 1 Troop 241 Team 3 1:01:28 2 Troop 277 Team 6 1:05:15 3 GS Troop 793 Team 7 1:08:39 4 GS Troop 793 Team 6 1:08:54 5 Troop 948 Team 6 1:11:14 6 GS Troop 793 Team 5 1:11:45 7 GS Troop 793 Team 4 1:14:00 8 Pack 403 Team 1 1:15:00 9 Troop 465 Team 2 1:15:18 10 Troop 241 Team 2 1:15:40 11 GS Troop 3129 Team 1 1:16:25 12 Troop 237 Team 1 1:16:28 13 Troop 237 Team 2 1:21:04 14 Troop 465 Team 3 1:22:06 15 Troop 24 Team 4 1:22:19 16 Troop 1811 Team 3 1:25:44 17 GS Troop 2304 Team 1 1:26:45 18 GS Troop 2304 Team 3 1:26:50 19 Troop 243 Team 1 1:27:18 20 Pack 200 Team 3 1:32:41 21 Troop 905 Team 3 1:32:51 22 Pack 464 Team 2 1:33:31 23 Troop 241 Team 1 1:34:25 24 Pack 200 Team 1 1:35:03 25 Troop 948 Team 5 1:36:50 26 Troop 948 Team 2 1:38:54 27 Troop 948 Team 1 1:39:17 28 Troop 1811 Team 1 1:44:48 29 Pack 464 Team 5 1:45:07 30 Troop 405 Team 1 1:50:13 31 GS Troop 2304 Team 2 1:51:16 32 Troop 948 Team 3 1:53:08 33 GS Troop 2379 Team 3 1:55:54 34 GS Troop 2379 Team 2 1:55:58 35 Crew 905 Team 1 1:59:56 36 GS Troop 2379 Team 1 2:02:25 37 Troop 237 Team 3 2:04:57 38 Troop 905 Team 2 2:24:20 39 Troop 948 Team 8 2:28:10 40 Pack 403 Team 7 2:28:14 41 Troop 66 Team 3 2:39:03 Troop 277 Team 7 DNF Troop 277 Team 8 DNF Troop 948 Team 7 DNF Pack 200 Team 2 DNS Pack 200 Team 4 DNS Pack 200 Team 5 DNS Troop 405 Team 2 DNS Troop 501 Team 3 DNS Course 3 (4.3 km, 13 controls) 1 Troop 24 Team 1 1:38:29 2 GS Troop 793 Team 11 1:54:55 3 GS Troop 793 Team 10 2:09:05 4 GS Troop 793 Team 8 2:12:00 5 GS Troop 779 Team 1 2:13:42 6 Troop 243 Team 2 2:13:45 7 Troop 465 Team 5 2:24:11 8 Crew 905 Team 2 2:24:50 9 Troop 237 Team 4 2:29:52 10 Troop 810 Team 3 2:31:36 11 GS Troop 1221 Team 1 2:35:41 12 Troop 1811 Team 2 3:18:52 GS Troop 793 Team 9 MSP Troop 24 Team 2 DNF Troop 66 Team 4 DNF Troop 66 Team 5 DNF Troop 465 Team 1 DNF GS Troop 1221 Team 2 DNS Troop 66 Team 6 DNS Course 4 (5.3 km, 240 m climb, 14 controls) 1 Troop 241 56:51 2 Troop 905 Team 1 1:49:36 3 Troop 227 2:01:22 4 Troop 948 Team 4 2:52:50 Adult Course (4.2 km, 13 controls) 1 Troop 237 Team 5 52:09 2 Troop 277 Team 9 1:32:28 3 Troop 277 Team 10 1:49:37 4 Troop 24 2:47:34 _______________ DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls) DNS = Did not start MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)