Halloween Trick-O-Treat and Potluck
Date: (Mon.) Oct. 31, 2005
Location: Oakland, CA
Event Director: - 510.681.6181
Course Setter: Rex Winterbottom
Type: C; Special O-Event and Potluck
Event Write-Up
By Rex Winterbottom
At 4:15 I dashed out to place the bags — tin-foil wrapped clusters of candy — a unique kind for each of the 16 control locations stationed near fabulously decorated houses. An hour later I returned, and it was still light out... but not for much longer!
Without the decorations, the houses are quite fabulous anyway — it's kind of a grand architecture tour, a bit like lifestyles of the rich and famous. I'm sure some of the stalwart participants could imagine the voice of Robin Leach narrating as they tricked for treats in the streets.
All 6 — count 'em, 6 — orienteers came back with reports of massive trick-or-treat action, fun interactions with outdoor revelers, and a few were invited to the outdoor events and parties. Some were tempted to enter the haunted house set up on Longridge Rd. near Lakeshore.
Loads of fun and I'm sad more of you couldn't enjoy it. I know the challenges involved with transit and families and other commitments. But if you just stayed home and did nothing then you should make a note to come enjoy this next year!
The categories ended up being 8, 12, or 16 controls — Western Massachusetts Score O' rules. Of the 3 people going for 16, Steve Gregg came back fastest and claimed he found 12 of the controls still there. Yes, we had some thievery. Perhaps a different control gimmick is in order for next year. In the 8-control category, the terrible twosome of Nancy Lindeman and Shirley Pierce triumphed.
What a fun social! Great treats were provided, and we chatted, watched some movies, had the scary music, and even made some music of our own thanks to Nancy's supplies. Thorsten stopped by too to hang out, since he had run a marathon the previous day. Good times. Thanks everybody!
8 controls 1 Nancy Lindeman, Shirley Piece 108:26 2 Terry Farrah 115:02 16 controls 1 Steve Gregg 76:16 2 Andrejus Masalkovas 97:52 3 Julie Bruins 126:55