Golden Gate Park
Date: (Sat.) Nov. 12, 2005
Location: San Francisco, CA
Event Director: - 415.681.7075
Course Setter: Deron van Hoff
Type: C; Urban Orienteering: White, Yellow, Orange, and Long Orange
Event Write-Up
By Ian Tidswell and Deron van Hoff
We had a huge turnout for our event in Golden Gate Park this year, driven mostly by the large number of JROTC and school students who attended. Given our usual predominance of grey hairs, it was a great sight! Of course, the sunny weather didn't do any harm either.
As has been the tradition, we used pie plates for markers (only one went for an unscheduled walk, and it was quickly replaced). There were 4 courses: White, Yellow, Orange, and a rather long Long Orange. This caused a few problems, since rather more people than we expected chose the Orange course, so that we had to recycle a few maps and make a quick run to the copy center for additional ones. Those affected seemed to take the delay in good spirits.
One problem was that there were two controls fairly close together and on similar features. This caused a few people to mispunch. While the two controls were a little close for comfort, this highlights the need to always check the control number.
On the White course, Parker and Mark Laret had the fastest time. On Yellow Armelle Corpet, a temporary visitor from France had the best time. Green Ido had the best time on Orange, and club stalwart Thorsten Graeve was just fast enough to get the nod on the Long Orange course
Next year perhaps we will be able to jointly host an event with the JROTC organizations. The students were well behaved and seemed to enjoy running around the park.
Thanks as always to the volunteers — your efforts are appreciated (and a special thank-you to those that just helped out on the day when things were getting a little hectic): Armelle and Pascal Corpet, Ev & Jean Beuerman, Jim Fish, Mikkel Conradi, Mark Prior, Shirley Pierce, Bob Strauss, Nick Corsano. (My apologies to anyone I have omitted).
Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA Saturday, November 12, 2005 Pl Name(s) Time White Course (2.5 km, 30 m climb, 8 controls) 1 Parker & Mark Laret 23:40 2 Mark & Matt Coopersmith 25:40 3 Kit & Timo Groves 31:00 4 Jeff & Alex Mortimer 32:10 5 Ray Lim, Trang Nguyen 32:50 6 Buteau 32:55 7 Dave & Tyler Baker-Williams 33:30 8 Morasca, Kiernan, Hwang 38:10 9 Mike & Andrew 46:26 10 Joe & Jake Sherer 49:23 11 Oliver & Brad Krill 50:35 12 Adrian Marek, Sara, Pola, Madzia (Polish Troop 39) 52:15 13 Ann Humphrey 58:10 14 Andrew Lowd, Christy McMaken 1:09:18 15 David Huang, Albert Chan, William Tan, Albert Eng, Don Gee 1:11:15 16 Terry Green 1:20:55 17 Cheeta 1:25:18 18 Group, names withheld by request 1:26:24 Yellow Course (3.3 km, 60 m climb, 12 controls) 1 Armelle Corpet 27:40 2 Bob Struass (2nd course) 28:52 3 Kent Hetherwick 31:08 4 Ellen Jackowski, Erika Brodie 38:00 5 Christie Johnson 45:42 6 Kit & Timo Groves (2nd course) 47:00 7 Ed Dunn, Sally Oshia, Molly 52:20 8 Chris, Jake, Betsy 53:50 9 Karen & Samantha Jaber 54:30 10 Brian Kega, Jamie Hui 54:52 11 Sedge, Kenny, Miles, Sandy 55:31 12 Alithea Morasca, Allison Kiernan, Olivia Hwang 56:22 13 Jay Andrew, John Thomas 57:10 14 Linda Grimes, Anna Kennedy 59:10 15 Bryce & Kevin Killingsworth 59:15 16 I Buteau 1:00:10 17 Greg Elich, Vaugh Shields, Rhonda Clark 1:01:30 18 Kevin Sutton, Connie Saffon, Nadine Highsmith 1:02:00 19 John Neill + 1:02:09 20 Devaine Gaw 1:04:25 21 Helen Ciernick, et al 1:05:21 22 Carolyn & Jim Scacchetti 1:05:44 23 Anais, Magda, Sylvia, Julia (Polish Troop 39) 1:11:10 24 Brian Guan, Judy Wong, Irene Li 1:12:08 25 YBL 1:15:20 26 Kathleen, Jody, Erin Clark 1:18:00 27 Piper & Tom Riley, Nancy Thomas, Judy Koehler 1:21:23 28 Scott & Elaine 1:24:10 29 Michael Casmen 1:25:35 30 Kate Tennant 1:29:05 31 Galileo 12 1:40:05 32 Galileo 10 1:50:45 33 Megan C, Tang, + 1:59:45 Nick Pray, Kathy Devoy DNF 1:09:45 Choi, Wei, Xiao (#8) DNF 1:50:00 Orange Course (5.4 km, 180 m climb, 10 controls) 1 Green Ido 49:42 2 Ken Hetherwick 1:04:55 3 Nick Corsano 1:06:19 4 Bjorn Widerstrom 1:06:53 5 Bob Strauss 1:08:15 6 Chin, Daniel (Lowell HS) 1:14:05 7 Steve Jaber 1:14:20 8 Christopher, Venky, Robert (Lincoln 3) 1:21:03 9 Jennifer Kerr 1:21:18 10 David Ziman, Stephanie Lui, Tiffany Saw (Lincoln HS) 1:22:10 11 Samy Abdoum, Siraj Shabker, Andrew Lubo 1:23:08 12 Justin Ha, Edna Lo, Kenneth Hu (GWHS Bravo) 1:24:45 13 Kael Fischer, Julie Hollien 1:25:34 14 Brian Tennant 1:25:40 15 Jeff Lanam 1:29:25 16 Dianna Ye, Justin Ong, Jimmy Liang (GWHS Delta) 1:29:28 17 Joe Beals, Christine Schwartz, Mark Nierman 1:29:37 18 Tai Ma, Norman Hung, Diane Duque (GWHS Charlie) 1:30:42 19 Galileo 2 1:33:00 20 Ryan Lafuente, Letitia Zhao (Lincoln HS) 1:35:15 21 Ed, Sally, Molly 1:35:50 22 Anna Hu +2 (Galileo 4) 1:36:10 23 David, Conrad (Polish Troop 39) 1:36:36 24 Kenneth Woo, Fred Wong, Winnie Tong (Lincoln HS) 1:36:47 25 Christine Glasann, Sheree Chen 1:38:10 26 Jeff C + 2 1:38:20 27 Eric Diep, Kelly Zhao, Jarrett Hornbostel 1:39:56 28 Daniel Lee (G-1) 1:40:02 29 Martin Taylor 1:41:18 30 Alan Houser, Helene Gordon 1:42:26 31 Jason Boke, Bradley Davidson, Linna La (GWHS Alpha) 1:44:58 32 Dan + 2 1:47:25 33 Nancy & Susan Lindeman 1:50:15 34 Fred & Donna Munic 1:51:25 35 Connie Chen, Jason Lo, Matt Hoac 1:52:13 36 Chris Wan, Bruce Chueng, Alex Tam (Lincoln HS) 2:00:29 37 Greg Ehrensing 2:00:47 38 Kristen Pitsenbarger, Jacqueline Haggerty 2:02:00 39 Lauren Witcoff 2:05:03 40 Wong, Gao, Sav, Kimberly, Foxtrot 2:07:46 41 Benton Yee, Sophie Wu (GWHS Golf) 2:11:56 42 Sunshine, Tobias, Cary 2:17:00 43 Shirley Pierce 2:19:15 44 Dennis Ng, Andrew Li, Terrance Li 2:19:20 45 Chris Monson, Troop 105 2:27:18 46 Carlos Cheung, Billy Guan, Vincent Tam 2:29:48 47 Winterlin Family 2:30:45 Pascal Corpet MSP 41:03 Trinka Gillis MSP 1:15:45 Galileo 13 MSP 1:59:20 Ruben Saffine, Raymond Chan, Edward Chan MSP 1:59:25 Sanchez, Rubi, Tinny Tan, Phelan Guan MSP 2:16:50 Robyn Arroyo, Nevin Li, Allen Le (Lowell HS) MSP 2:43:00 Deer Valley Outdoors MSP 2:58:18 Kent Hetherwick MSP Autumn Lee, Veronica Chau, Ernest Yu DNF 1:40:29 Harold Lischner DNF 1:43:14 Diane Hall DNF 3:04:00 Michelle Leberknight, Cati Munic DNF 3:11:05 Kevin Tham, Bock Szymkowicz DNF 4:01:20 Long Orange Course (10.3 km, 260 m climb, 23 controls) 1 Thorsten Graeve 1:16:18 2 Peter Haldi 1:16:59 3 Mikkel Conradi 1:19:44 4 Bruce Wolfe 1:25:08 5 Steve Gregg 1:28:00 6 Donatas Zigmantas 1:33:00 7 Tomas Mancal 1:34:40 8 Paul Sangiorgio 1:47:55 9 Fancher & Nugent 1:47:56 10 Geoff Sears 2:03:16 11 Michael Fleishman 2:13:32 12 Alex & Alex 2:20:45 13 Alex Solomatrikov 2:24:00 14 Fyodor Konkov 2:30:09 15 Phillip Hoare 2:32:00 16 Jim Fish 2:47:21 17 Steve Beuerman 3:01:55 18 Steve O'Keefe 3:54:17 Jaehn & Lehigh DNF 2:02:20 Fred Ciaramagia, Daryl Preston DNF 3:16:40 _______________ DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls) MSP = Mispunched (one or more controls wrong)