Almaden QuickSilver — Golden Goat
Date: (Sun.) Nov. 20, 2005
Location: San Jose, CA
Event Directors: - 650.248.9595, - 408.348.1282
Course Setter: Vladimir Gusiatnikov
Type: Extra long and strenuous courses; NO BEGINNER COURSES
Related Information
Preliminary Event Write-Up Event Announcement Route Gadget (
Event Write-Up
By Jim, Beth, and Vladimir
On Nov. 20, 2005, the Bay Area Orienteering Club held the 10th annual Golden Goat at Almaden-Quicksilver County Park in San Jose, CA. Fantastic weather for late November made for a well-attended event of 82 Goat and Kid runners. We would especially like to thank the Santa Clara County Parks rangers for their support through the permitting process and during the weekend of the event. Ranger Steve Famalett deserves special appreciation for driving us up a 400+ m elevation fire trail with water jugs on Saturday.
Chelsea and Bevan Waite organized the parking at the Wood Road lot, and stuffed the large Goat/Kid maps into cases. Bob Cooley printed 95 maps at 1:10000 scale, working a tight deadline before a weekend trip. We especially thank Bob for being in a tight email loop during late breaking map changes on Tuesday night.
Thanks to Rosemary Johnson who obtained the permit, and clearly identified the special requirements associated with the Goat event.
Wendell Doman filled the role of an on-site emergency medical person, for which we are very grateful.
Ev and Jean Beuerman handled registration, setting out Gookinaid, and refreshments on several tables.
Chuck Spalding handled T-shirt distribution at the event. The club owes a big thank-you to John Baynham at, who did the artwork for the shirts.
Ian Tidswell, first to realize that (given the course and his work schedule over the previous days) it might not be wise to complete his run that day, graciously helped with finishes. He teamed up with Galena Shakhnovsky, who gave her entire day to the task.
Ingert Svard rode her mountain bike for control pick up, after being with the children while her husband ran the Goat. Thanks also to Jeff Lanam who collected controls nearer to the Start/Finish area. Kelly Wells used a remote parking lot to collect controls and water jugs in the NW area of the park, in the vicinity of the aid station where Vladimir had handed out Gu packets to those who needed a lift. During pickup Kelly didn’t beat the coyote to one of the controls, not surprising after having earlier run the Goat himself.
Harold and Penny DeMoss brought tents to the event, in case of inclement weather, but of course we had just the opposite. Their contribution did not go unnoticed by the event directors!
As Vladimir acknowledged in the earlier posting of preliminary results, the course was a wee bit too long. We had a significant level of DNFs not only on the Goat, but the Kid as well. Hopefully you all are resting well, since the 2006 Goat/Kid is scheduled for March 26, 2006... just a bit over three months away. Note once again, the advertisement (i.e., warning): "Extra long and strenuous courses".
We’ll see you all there!
Jim, Beth, and Vladimir
2005 Golden Goat — Almaden Quicksilver County Park
San Jose, CA
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The time limit applied to official finishers was four hours. A late starter on the Goat is listed twice in the Results, once with his actual time, the other with the official time.
Overall Winners
- Goat – Men: Martin Kunz
- Goat – Women: Penny DeMoss
- Kid – Men: Pierre Delforge (time was incorrect in Prelim Results)
- Kid – Women: Gina Christopher
The above winners each received a commemorative "Golden Goat 2005" coffee mug embossed with the T-shirt design.
Team Winners
- Kid: Tony Pinkham and Anne Keller – "Team of Two"
- Goat: Brett Lehigh and Rod Jaehn – "East Bay West"
The winning teams received a Sierra Club knowledge pack, called "Where In the World Are You?"
Lifetime Points
Golden Goat lifetime points are awarded to the top finishers on the Goat (not Kid). The overall point totals will be updated based on the following standings for the 2005 event. That new list will be posted later.
Final 2005 Golden Goat Results
Goat Time Skip Fork 1 Martin Kunz 123:05 6,7 B 2 Mattias Vangbo 147:58 15,17 A 3 Steve Gregg 154:32 9,15 A 4 Thorsten Graeve 155:16 14,15 A 5 Penny DeMoss (#1 female) 160:00 6,7 B 6 Matthias Kohler 160:04 6,7 B 7 Andrejus Masalkovas 167:45 9 B 8 Mattias Eriksson 171:50 3,9 B 9 Roy Malone 178:01 6,7 B 10 Wendell Doman 180:00 9,15 B Mikkel Conradi (actual time) 180:49 9,15 A 11 Peter Graham 193:20 6,13 B 12 Kent Öhlund 197:07 6,7 B 13 Russell Neilson 197:36 9,15 A 14 Steve Haas 205:35 6,11 B 15 Brett Lehigh, Rod Jaehn (#1 team) 205:45 6,7 B 16 Tapio Karras 215:48 3,9 B 17 Mark Blair 230:38 4,5 B 18 Peter Graube 232:53 9,15 B 19 Theo Verhoeven 234:01 6,15 B 20 Mikkel Conradi (official time) 238:12 9,15 A Phil Mosbacher (OVT) 251:00 9,18 B Nad Nubthar (OVT) 259:00 4,5 B Dan Holman (OVT) 265:00 3,15 A Ian Tidswell DNF Harold DeMoss DNF Deron VanHoff DNF 4,5 Derek Maclean DNF 2 Dennis Holmes, Lance Smith, Coleby Fisher, Tyson Teesdale, Tim Tapscott DNF 6,7 Bill Joseph, Sean Jacobs, Daniel Murphy, Aaron Maxwell DNF 4 Kelly Wells DNF 6,15 A Dan Greene DNF 9,11 David & Sharon Egbert DNF 6 Kid Time Skip 1 Pierre Delforge (corrected from prelim) 104:51 17 2 Manfred Kopisch 149:57 - 3 Chad Davis 160:11 1 4 David Jorgensen 178:03 17 5 Fyodor Konkov 178:13 17 6 Parag Gupta 179:26 6 7 Tommer Wizansky 185:15 6 8 Brad Wetmore 187:28 6 9 Alak Ghosh 193:28 6 10 Gina Christopher (#1 female) 199:30 17 10 John Turner 199:30 17 12 Tony Pinkham, Anne Keller (#1 team) 210:24 3 13 Jennifer Kerr 235:30 3 Rob Clima, Laura McKeegan (OVT) 250:00 3 Joe Inkenbrandt, Tiffany Krukow, Lou Lederer, Aaron Sorensen, Peter Vigil (Team Ocho) (OVT) 260:00 18 John & Chuck Falkenroth (OVT) 261:00 6 Luc Poppe (OVT) 268:00 6 Dean French, Nancy Lindeman, Jim Fish (OVT) 328:54 3 Paul Turk, Ryan Ghelfi, Andrew Milne, Eric Adams DNF Frank Markowitz DNF Ron Thumann, Dewey Dumond DNF Leon Zheng DNF Gabriel Ross, Hilary Hardcastle DNF Oleg Shakhnovsky DNF 6 _______________ DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls) OVT = Overtime (finished after course-closing time)