BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Thu.) Mar. 11, 2021
Location: Video Conference
Event Directors: - 925.516.7622, - 650.906.9672
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors; 8:00–10:00 PM; all club members are welcome
Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held March 11, 2021
Present: Officers – Marie-Josée Parayre (President), Stephanie Maclean (Vice President), Scott Aster (Event Coordinator), Nick Corsano (Secretary), Sharon Evans (Treasurer); Board members – Bob Cooley, Jeff Goodwin, Dan Greene, Steve Haas, Jay Hann, Jitka Hiscox, Jeff Lanam, Dennis Wildfogel; Visitors – Gavin Wyatt-Mair, Vicki Woolworth, Misha Kreslavsky, Tapio Karras, Graham Brew, Amy Winston, John Richardson, Derek Maclean, Nancy Lindeman.
The meeting was held via Zoom. It was called to order by the President at 8:05 PM.
President’s Report – Marie-Josée Parayre
- The President called on Steve Haas, Chair of the Nominating Committee, for their report. The committee, which included Jitka Hiscox and Dan Greene, announced the following slate of officers: Marie-Josée Parayre (President), Stephanie Maclean (Vice President), Jeff Goodwin (Event Coordinator), Nick Corsano (Secretary), and Sharon Evans (Treasurer). It was moved that the Board recommend these candidates for election by the membership. The motion passed. Sharon has indicated that this will be her last year serving as Treasurer.
- Marie-Josée has completed the training required for Safe Sport certification.
- Jeff Goodwin has been in contact with Jacqueline Villicana, the Ph.D. student proposing an orienteering-related research project. She is currently awaiting approval of her project.
- The President gave updates on two of our permanent courses. At Briones, a Boy Scout named Gordon Dailey has been doing repairs to the courses, and is almost finished. At Vasona, a group of Girl Scouts is interested in repairing the course. Bob Cooley (who has upgraded the map to ISSOM) has replied both to the Girl Scouts and to Ranger Justin Everts, who would supervise the work.
- A discussion was held on ways the club could support beginners under the current conditions. Jitka Hiscox volunteered to work with other club members to create video content for our social media platforms aimed at beginners.
Secretary’s Report – Nick Corsano
- Minutes of the December 10, 2020 Board meeting were approved as presented.
- One email vote of the Board was held, to approve use by Nav-X of three more club maps for Corona-type courses this year (Annadel, Almaden-Quicksilver, and Joe Grant).
Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Evans
- The club has about $157K in the bank. Final numbers for 2020 showed the club making a profit of about $2500.
- If the California Orienteering Festival is cancelled, the club’s liabilities would be $144K in refunds, and a $24K loan from Orienteering USA, but we have been given leeway in repaying that loan.
- The high interest rate from Wells Fargo was a 6-month introductory offer, and has now reverted to the standard low rate.
- The club has received $8 so far through Amazon Smile.
- The spending limits on the BAOC Expense Form need updating. The following changes will be made:
- Reference to permit fees to be removed, since the Event Coordinating Committee is responsible for monitoring those.
- Refreshments will be broken out separately; the guideline will be for a maximum of $1 per expected participant.
- Other meet expenses limited to $50.
- Sharon and Dan Greene will revise the Event Director checklist as necessary.
Publicity – Jitka Hiscox
- Jitka will send out a reminder about Amazon Smile on the BayOnet and on social media.
2021 Cal-O-Fest Report – Gavin Wyatt-Mair
- There are 620 entries. 155 WRC entrants are not signed up for any of the orienteering events. On the other hand, most of the 4-hour Rogaine entrants are competing in all the O’ events.
- Orienteering Canada (who are not sending teams to WOC or JWOC this year) surveyed their elite athletes. They favored holding NAOC, but not as an IOF-sanctioned regional championship. Note: the Canadian border is still closed.
- Options being considered:
- 1. Hold all events as scheduled.
- 2. Hold NAOC in August; WRC in October.
- 3. Hold the events, but not as championships.
- 4. Postpone to 2022 (Czech Republic is scheduled to hold WRC in 2022).
- 5. Postpone beyond 2022.
- IRF and OUSA are being flexible about their sanctioning fees.
Event Coordinator’s Report / How Events Restart Safely (HERS) – Scott Aster and Dennis Wildfogel
- Several people have responded to Scott’s request for people to set additional “Corona†courses. The club is not likely to stage regular events until the fall due to pandemic restrictions. The Event Coordinating Committee is looking for a new South Bay EC to replace George Minarik.
- Scott will organize a monthly club Zoom meeting, focusing on review of the “Corona course of the monthâ€.
- The President asked the HERS committee to draft COVID-19 safety guidelines for club events, using the Bon Tempe guidelines as a model.
Next Meeting
- The next Board meeting was set for Thursday, April 15, from 8–10 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Nick Corsano
BAOC Secretary