BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Tue.) Mar. 10, 2020
Location: Video Conference
Event Directors: - 650.281.5280, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; All club members and other interested people are welcome.

Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held March 10, 2020 (Online)

Present: Steve Haas (President), Deron van Hoff, Dennis Wildfogel, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Jay Hann, Nick Corsano, Jeff Lanam, Dan Greene, Sharon Evans (Treasurer), Gavin Wyatt-Mair, Werner Haag, Jeff Goodwin, Jitka Hiscox, Tapio Karras

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by President Steve Haas.

President’s Report – Steve Haas

Steve pointed out that the club has been doing a good job putting on events so far this year, with good attendance.

BAOC can now accept credit cards at events, and has set up and tested preregistration.

Steve and Jeff Lanam were able to open a savings account to earn interest.

Secretary’s Report – Vicki Woolworth

There were no online votes this quarter. The minutes from the December 2019 Board meeting were accepted as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Evans

Sharon presented the current reports. We have repaid the loan to the Australian Rogaining Federation, and need to begin repaying the OUSA loan. The Square payment system is now live, and Sharon explained why Cal-O-Fest is accounted for separately.

The 2020 budget was presented and approved after items were adjusted as requested by the Board members.

Nominating Committee – Nick Corsano

Along with committee members Scott Aster and Dan Greene, Nick proposed the following tentative slate:

The Board voted to approve the slate as presented, three of five offices – approved.

Nick proposed modifying Article 7.5 to add that the beginning date of the term of an individual officer may be modified by a ⅔ vote of the membership at the annual meeting, but may not be more than 90 days after the election.

The Board approved the amendment, and then the revised amendment.

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for May 17 at Joaquin Miller Park.
[Ed. note: The meeting was later changed to be an online video conference on June 1, 2020.]

Event Coordinator’s Report – Deron van Hoff

Deron presented the proposed event schedule and is making adjustments as needed.

National Event Report – Dennis Wildfogel

St Mary’s will be the location for our one free NRE day, and Sprint SF plans are being developed.

2020 Cal-O-Fest Report – Gavin Wyatt-Mair

Gavin presented the current facts and figures. We are getting close to covering expenses, however, the Rogaine registration numbers are disappointing. Most maps are up to date, one more is being revised. There are still some gaps in staffing, Marie-Josée is working on filling these in. Gavin proposed the purchase of feather banners. Also discussed were options with regard to COVID-19; currently the sanctioning organizations are fine with postponing one year if needed.

Directors’ Reports

Juniors – Jay Hann – Suggested offering a $1 discount for preregistration in order to give people an incentive to use the system, and to relieve some pressure on the on-site registrars. After some discussion, the Board agreed that it could be implemented and see how it goes. Jay also suggested doing COOL events as WRS.
Publicity – Jitka Hiscox – Jitka brought up a concern about publishing photos. She will review current BAOC policy.
Mapping – Bob Cooley – There were about 30,000 legibility errors in the 4 maps that needed to be submitted to the IOF map inspector. Bob corrected all those errors, and the 4 maps have been approved by the IOF. Bob has also started correcting the 13,000 legibility errors on the Spooner Lake map.
Membership – Werner Haag – The MemberPlanet system has been in place for about 2 years now and is working well and seems well worth the cost. Currently there are 74 family and 105 individual memberships. By OUSA count (2 people per family membership) this is 253 people. Werner estimates that actual members is closer to 350, since most families have more than 3 people.
E-Punch – Jeff Lanam – The E-punch group will require O-link software; Jay will make the purchase.

Another online meeting is set for Monday, March 30, 2020, at 7:00 PM to discuss the status of this summer’s Cal-O-Fest.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for June 9, 2020.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary