BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Tue.) Mar. 6, 2018
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.281.5280, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members and other interested people are welcome

Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held March 6, 2018

Present: Steve Haas (President), Derek Maclean, Dennis Wildfogel, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Jay Hann, Nick Corsano, Jeff Lanam, Nancy Lindeman, Scott Aster, Dan Greene

Attending by phone: George Minarik, Gavin Wyatt-Mair, Sharon Evans (Treasurer)

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM at the Foster City Recreation Center by President Steve Haas.

President's Report – Steve Haas

Steve announced some sad news: Jean Beuerman passed away Friday March 2nd. She was an active member of the club, always warmly greeting people while helping with registration.

Otherwise the year is off to a good start​—​events are attracting new people. Steve nominated Dennis Wildfogel to chair the nomination committee for the Board elections, and suggested Lake Herman for the annual meeting (May 6, ED Gary Kraght).

Secretary's Report – Vicki Woolworth

No email votes this quarter

The minutes from the previous meeting (December 5) were approved.

Treasurer's Report – Sharon Evans

Boggs donation makes us a member eligible for a sign ad (Sharon to send out information).

There was a discussion about the benefits of becoming members of other parks or participating in other forms of park support.

Event Coordinator's Report – George Minarik

Scott Aster reported that Indian Valley will not be available due to renovations, and would like to have someone do a Tamarancho event.

George reported that the schedule is coming along well, we need to get events posted.

Noting the summer gap, there was a discussion about having a summer series.

Nancy asked if there were any plans to do a 40th anniversary event. Currently Joaquin Miller is scheduled in early July​—​might be a good time to have it. George to work on it.

The EC team is working with Nav-X to coordinate schedules. George sent out a proposed agreement including fees and contact people. Discussion followed concerning optimal scheduling, keeping good relationships with parks, and co-advertising.

The Board voted to approve the agreement with Nav-X.

National Event Report – Dennis Wildfogel

183 people are registered for COW, more coming from Carson JROTC. More than 100 participants are from out of state.

Still planning Sprint SF and possible free national ranking events (no additional fees).

A suggestion was made to involve Nav-X/GCO/Truckee in creating a series of NREs. Considering a 2019 National Event in Big Basin​—​discussed whether to skip to prevent burnout prior to 2020 events. Do we want to do Junior Nationals? It would be an opportunity to try out new software.

2020 report – Gavin Wyatt-Mair, Gary Kraght

Gavin submitted the application for NAOC. Clare Durand said LAOC met and decided not to do U.S. Champs in conjunction with our event (they felt this would not benefit them), so this was deleted from the NAOC application. Other items on hold until sanctioning approved.

WRC application is proceeding, the IRF president asked us to approve letter/contract, which is being reviewed and will then be sent to OUSA for approval. Open topics include camping at Northstar and the registration system. Mapping looks good; excellent LIDAR at no cost.

Juniors and Training – Erin Shirm, Jay Hann

Erin considering taking a club junior team to events (Marie-Josée to help). The Junior National Championships is now becoming more team oriented (relays, etc). Erin is deciding how to deal with park permission for training events, and would like to hold more regional trainings, which he will design so that participants can either go alone or in small groups.

Mapping – Bob Cooley

Bob repaired the Sierra College and Diablo Valley College maps. Zherdev is coming in late May, and we have excellent LIDAR to use for Independence Creek.

Volunteers – Steve Haas

As a follow-up to the Strategy Session, a team is looking at job descriptions and making contact with members who indicated interest. An ED/CS workshop might help encourage those hesitant to take these roles on.

Directors' Reports

Publicity – Nancy Lindeman – Facebook is getting lots of likes. Jeff has been doing boosts, and will try to look at individual likes to see if they actually show up.
Registration – Steve Haas – Steve is ordering more whistles.
EPunch – Jeff Lanam – We now have 100 SI9 epunches on order.
Outreach – Scott Aster – No new inquiries.
Equipment – Jay Hann – Course setters have commented that the new stands are too heavy, and there also has been breakage. Jay is making more lightweight U-bend stands.
Event Quality – Dan Greene – Dan has been combining splits and ranking to analyze legs in events to get a sense of course-setting consistency.

New Business

The Board discussed registration proposals and the potential for online registration.

Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 5th.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary