BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Tue.) Sept. 12, 2017
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.281.5280, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00–10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members and other interested people are welcome

Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held September 12, 2017

Present: Steve Haas (President), Dennis Wildfogel, Jeff Lanam, Jay Hann, Nick Corsano, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), George Minarik, Bob Cooley, Nancy Lindeman and Dan Greene. Sharon Evans joined by phone.

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM at the Foster City Recreation Center by President Steve Haas.

Online Votes/Approval of Minutes – Vicki Woolworth

There were no online votes in the past quarter.

The minutes of the June meeting were approved.

Treasurer's Report – Sharon Evans

Sharon reported that we are on target with the budget.

George asked how Nav-X income is reported. Sharon explained that Nav-X is now an OUSA club with insurance; will pay for control rental and map fee per agreement with the Board.

Another question on Junior grants: Sharon is awaiting contact information for one disbursement.

OUSA AGM guidance – Steve Haas, Jay Hann

Discussion of number of votes allotted​—​BAOC has 97 votes. Jay will be attending and will represent BAOC. At this time there is no competition for positions or voting issues to decide.

Dennis reported on the Sports Working Group, which is considering the timing and number of national events, as well as what types of events should be considered for championship status.

Discussed how to make OUSA more visible; suggestions included club flags.

Event Coordinator's Report – George Minarik

The 2018 schedule is firming up and all planned events for the rest of 2017 are on the calendar.

George is proposing a ranking series for regular B-meets, Jeff Lanam asked if this would require extra work for the E-Punch team. This would not require extra work for E-Punch, but would require a volunteer to compile data and post.

Other ideas were to hold a club championship, celebrate BAOC's 40th anniversary at Joaquin Miller Park, and to add more trainings (though there were questions about how to advertise and list trainings, and concerns about accommodating newcomers).

The proposed Stanford event is under development. Organizers have scaled it down to 100–200 people. Not clear if this partnership will help get us permission to use the campus for our events. Jay commented that having a point person might be helpful.

In general, the new event coordination team structure is working well.

National Events – Dennis Wildfogel

The COW (California Orienteering Week) has been scheduled for March 17–25, and is cosponsored by GCO.

Dennis also announced a new OUSA program, Regional Ranking Events, which are 1-day ranking events intended to bridge the gap between local and national-level events. OUSA waives the sanctioning fee for one per year. Dennis proposes adding another in which the sanctioning fee would be paid by the club (with no increase in event fees).

Sprint SF is on. Erin Schirm will work on this.

WRC 2020 – Jay Hann for Gavin Wyatt-Mair

The bid to host the World Rogaining Championships has been accepted. Gavin and Jay met with Northstar. Lots of nice amenities, but no camping on-site. Discussion followed regarding the amount of responsibility and risk BAOC is willing to take on. A meeting is to be scheduled for further discussion.

Mapping – Bob Cooley

Bob improved the McLaren map, but unfortunately we could not get permission to use it.

Zherdev is continuing work on the Big Basin map.

Gary is seeking permission to use Royal Gorge.

Juniors – Jay Hann

Julia Doubson is working on a schedule proposal for a COOL season.

The interscholastic championships are held annually in March or April. Jay suggests considering sending a BAOC team.

Strategy Session Follow-up – Steve Haas

The club is doing well at producing events; working on improving the volunteer experience.

Director's Reports

Publicity – Nancy Lindeman reported Facebook is doing well, 800 likes. She encouraged all to post, like, and repost.
E-Punch – Jeff Lanam – Repair is needed for E-Punch units; putting in a budget request for SI-9 E-sticks.
Equipment – Jay Hann – To help improve the volunteer experience, Jay is looking into regionalizing the equipment.

New/Old Business

Budget committee formed.

Next meeting scheduled for December 5th.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary