BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Jun. 13, 2017
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.281.5280, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members and other interested people are welcome
Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held June 13, 2017
Present: Steve Haas (President), Scott Aster, Dennis Wildfogel, Jeff Lanam, Jay Hann, Nick Corsano, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Gary Kraght, Sharon Evans (Treasurer), Dan Vannatter, Nancy Lindeman, and George Minarik. Erin Schirm joined by phone.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Foster City Recreation Center by President Steve Haas.
President's Report – Steve Haas
Steve reviewed events, while there has been a lull it is soon to be over. Thanks to Dan Greene for chairing the nominations committee and to George Minarik for taking on the lead position in the newly formed Regional Event Coordinator Team.
While there will be a team, George will be the official representative to the Board.
The AGM to be held at Bayfront Park on July 16th at 1 PM. Steve to report on the goal-setting exercise.
Nomination Committee – Dan Greene
Official recommendation of slate—Dan Greene, chair of the nominating committee, announced the slate proposed by the committee:
- President – Steve Haas
- Event Coordinator – George Minarik, as head of the Regional Event Coordinator Team
- Treasurer – Sharon Evans
- Secretary – Vicki Woolworth
The slate was approved by the Board.
Nick suggested that the Board approve the creation of this committee (concept of team of regional event coordinators to be headed by George and name everybody else). The committee was approved.
Steve appointed George as interim Event Coordinator, and George was approved to put together the team.
Gary Kraght commented that it might be time to review the bylaws. Gary, Nick, and Steve Haas are willing to start looking this.
Online Votes/Approval of Minutes – Vicki Woolworth
There was one online vote in the past quarter, which passed: the Board approved the appointment of Jay Hann to the position of Junior Grant Committee Chair.
The minutes of the March meeting were approved.
Treasurer's Report – Sharon Evans
Current bank balance is ~$60,000 in bank. Taxes have been filed.
Sharon asked about the current agreement with Nav-X. Vicki responded that Harvey Bear was co-BAOC; rest of the events will be independent (insurance, start fees), so Sharon will take them off the BAOC budget.
Donations totaling $10,000 are designated for juniors, mapping, and publicity.
Erin suggested mapping schools. Sharon will send email to Bay-O-Net to collect suggestions and discuss.
Noted shortfall in National Event income. This may have been a budgeting error.
Voted to allocate $2k for school campus mapping pilot program.
Sharon is working on a suggestion to set up a treasury corner—on the website or other format—to communicate budget information to the membership.
Event Coordinator's Report – George Minarik
George developing team concept. Dennis has laid out most of 2017. Team is working on schedule for next year, which is currently in process. Once team agrees on dates and places, volunteers will be filled in.
Eventually having a place to collect information on each park would be handy.
National Events – Dennis Wildfogel
- Summer series – Simple similar format, scoring system
- Fall series – Mix up with other clubs, regional ranking, OUSA is proposing 1-day A-meet with regular fees.
- March event series – With GCO's 3-day, add our weekend before: Saturday-Sunday-Monday, Wednesday, Friday-Saturday-Sunday (a la Swiss O Week).
- Sprint SF – Use junior colleges? Chloe tried, but we need to find an appropriate approach to these types of venues. May need to tailor it to the interests of the colleges.
- Gary for Gavin – The proposal for 2020 WRC was submitted; answer expected soon (by 15th). Gavin will be going to Northstar next weekend. The proposal will also include the 2020 North American Championships.
Side topic: Are we accommodating beginners in summer series? The events are not in difficult terrain, and if the course setter does not provide specific beginner courses, beginners should be encouraged to try a loop.
Junior Training Grants – Jay Hann via email
Travel grants awarded to three juniors who are traveling and competing in Europe this summer.
Juniors – Erin Schirm
Trainings have increased from 4–8 juniors to 20 or more per event. Energy increasing. Erin working on strategy assignment to identify schools for mapping. Also working on COOL organization; may tie in to schools. Suggesting price structure for BAOC and non-BAOC, also would be good to have online signup.
Discussed how to merge COOL with what is being planned for BAOC.
Mapping – Bob Cooley
Zherdev is working on the Big Basin map for the rest of June (LIDAR is fair quality). Bob fixed Bayfront and is working on McLaren. Calero has significant thistle growth, mapping it is being considered if this would be consistent with mapping standards.
Suggestions were bandied about for new locations for mapping, including Jack London State Historic Park (Glen Ellen) and Henry Coe State Park.
Strategy Session Follow-up – Steve Haas
Event Coordination going well, other things in progress, some behind. How to bring in Scouts was discussed—typically the president is contacted, and Steve would like to direct them to others familiar with their requirements. More information on the website could help, currently the plan is to contact Scott Aster. Brad Wetmore and Alan Houser were also suggested as resources for Boy Scouts.
Registration simplification discussion included making it cheap enough for juniors and families, while still generating enough revenue. Complexities include charging for 2nd or 3rd courses, but general agreement was that not charging for extra courses would not affect income significantly, and would encourage people enthusiastic about the sport. Another complexity is how we charge for groups—other clubs simply charge per person.
Director's Reports
- Outreach – Scott Aster – New permanent courses for Tamarancho and JMP are in the works; projects have been proposed by Boy Scouts interested in earning the Eagle award.
- Publicity – Jeff Lanam used boosts in Facebook to promote events.
- E-punch – Jeff Lanam – New computers and a printer have been acquired.
New/Old Business
Yahoo was sold; not clear how the groups will work in the future; looking at other possibilities for hosting these discussions.
Next meeting scheduled for September 12th.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary