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BAOC Annual General Meeting

Indian Valley Open Space Preserve

Date: (Sat.) May. 7, 2016
Location: Novato, CA
Event Directors: - 408.313.3753, - 510.407.1876
Type: Annual membership meeting and election of officers

President Jeff Lanam called the meeting to order at 1:12 PM.

Jeff introduced the slate proposed by the nominating committee (Nick Corsano, chair) and approved by the Board, and requested nominations from the floor. As there were no contested positions, the slate was approved by voice vote.

President's Report

Jeff thanked the event directors and welcomed the new officers. Club members were encouraged to consider board positions, especially social director. The Nav-X event at Sierra National Forest near Shaver Lake has been chosen for the North American Rogaine Championships.

Other Business

Marie-Josée presented uniform options proposed by the uniform committee. Samples were available at the meeting for club members to examine and try on. She will try to set up additional opportunities to try on the items, and will continue to poll members for design choices.

Steve Harrison asked that if anyone was interested in event directing or setting for a particular map to please contact him.

Rosemary Johnson asked if anyone was willing to take on responsibility for E-punch. She was applauded for her six years of service as E-punch Director.

The outgoing officers, Jeff Lanam and Rex Winterbottom, were thanked for their dedication and service.

Gary Kraght announced that there is interest in bringing the World Masters Orienteering Championships to the U.S. in 2022. Please contact him if you would like to support this effort.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:33 PM.

In Attendance:

Jeff Lanam, Steve Haas, Vicki Woolworth, Rosemary Johnson, Nick Corsano, Gary Kraght, Olga Kraght, Werner Haag, Scott Aster, Evan Custer, Gavin Wyatt-Mair, Dennis Wildfogel, George Minarik, François Léonard, Marie-Josée Parayre, Sarah Williams, Stephen Harrison, Tony Pinkham, Martin Kunz, Misha Kreslavsky, Theo Verhoeven, Irina Stefanova, Matej Šebo, Daniel Šebo, Lubomir Šebo, Ann Marie Cody, Graham Brew

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth, Secretary
Reviewed by Scott Aster