BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Tue.) Sep. 1, 2015
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 408.313.3753, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members and other interested people are welcome

Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held September 1, 2015

Present:  Steve Haas, Jeff Lanam (President), Sharon Evans (Treasurer), Nancy Lindeman, Bob Cooley, Scott Aster, Rosemary Johnson, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Dan Greene, and Erin Schirm.

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM at the Foster City Recreation Center by President Jeff Lanam.

President's Report – Jeff Lanam

Jeff noted that despite a relatively light summer schedule the fall should be busier, with the Goat, Briones, Calero, and Pacheco.

Online Votes/Approval of Minutes – Vicki Woolworth

The minutes of the June 2015 meeting were approved by a vote of the board.

Treasurer's Report – Sharon Evans

Sharon noted some changes in the budget. We do not have to pay tax fees or tax preparation fees. The fees for the storage locker are still not resolved, and we may need more controls. Mapping expenses will be submitted soon.
There appear to be multiple PayPal accounts set up for club business. Sharon will try to coordinate with the various administrators to better track expenses and income.
The budget committee was named: Jeff Lanam, Erin Schirm, Rosemary Johnson, and Sharon Evans.
It was suggested we invest in additional walkie talkies. Dan Green will purchase 4 additional units.

Mapping Report – Bob Cooley

Glen Schorr of OUSA is working on a deal with Visit TriValley (chamber of commerce) for support of mapping in that area. Dennis Wilkinson is mapping near the other end of Fallen Leaf Lake. Zherdev made a good Sprint map of the flat area of Joaquin Miller Park. The middle section of Joe Grant was also revised to national-level standard.
Big Basin was discussed. LIDAR is now available, but still compromised by redwoods. Field checking will be labor intensive and there have been access issues in the past. General consensus in favor; will be considered with other projects.
An anonymous donor will pay Bill Cusworth to remap Bon Tempe. Bill also repaired the Northstar map, unfortunately there is still no good LIDAR in this area.
Bob has 2-meter contour data for Casa de Fruita and can improve this map.

Event Coordinator Report – Rex Winterbottom, by email

Rex announced upcoming and reviewed recent events, he is asking members to pick venues and dates for 2016 as soon as possible.

A-meet Report – Gary Kraght, by email

The 2015 Sierra Classic and U.S. Classic Champs is shaping up nicely, Gary encouraged people to volunteer to help. BAOC is bidding for the U.S. Sprint/Middle/Long Championships at Morgan Territory and Las Positas College for March 18–20, 2016. A second A-meet in 2016 is proposed for Fall at Joaquin Miller and Tilden. A discussion ensued concerning the cost/benefits of A-meets in terms of stress on volunteers, value to juniors, and alternative uses of our resources.
The Orienteering USA Board of Directors is currently evaluating the A-meet concept, and may make changes, including changing names and standards.

Juniors – Erin Schirm

Erin is working on a proposal for a training program intended to bring Juniors up to a national competition level. The program will include an adult training series and will have its own price structure. This plan includes a part-time paid coach and will be a model for the rest of OUSA.

Facebook Marketing – Jeff Lanam

Jeff presented data from Facebook showing the impact of a $20 "boost" on club page activity. There did seem to be a spike in activity, further testing suggested.

Directors' Reports

Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
Nancy investigated other clubs' Facebook pages and commented on them, including photo contests, maps, and video. She encouraged members to comment and repost as this is free publicity.
Registration – Steve Haas
Ten people joined or paid membership at Big Basin.
Membership – Werner Haag, by email.
Werner reviewed the membership numbers, with 442 total members in 215 memberships. There was a surge in renewal when the Google spreadsheet with expirations ( was posted, but activity has slowed and there are still overdue memberships.
E-punch – Rosemary Johnson
Rosemary has sent out some of the E-punch units for battery replacement.
Outreach – Scott Aster
Scott received one inquiry from a school in Richmond.
Event Quality – Dan Greene
Dan reminded people that he is available if there are concerns about event quality.

New Business

An event director submitted expenses including paying for help at the meet. The board voted to pay a portion of the cost incurred, but reminded EDs that any such expenses must be pre-approved.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 8th.

Meeting adjourned at 9:51 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary