BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Mar. 10, 2015
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 408.313.3753, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members and other interested people are welcome
Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held March 10, 2015.
Present: Â Nick Corsano, Jeff Lanam (President), Sharon Evans (Treasurer), Nancy Lindeman, Bob Cooley, Scott Aster, Rosemary Johnson, Dennis Wilkinson, Chuck Spalding, Trinka Gillis, Dan Greene, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), and Dan Vannatter.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Foster City Recreation Center by President Jeff Lanam.
President's Report – Jeff Lanam
- While there was disappointment over the lack of snow in the Sierras, we have enjoyed local events including the new venue in Benecia. Three juniors have been named to the U.S. Junior Team: Julia Doubson, Katie Petersen and Gavin Williams. We are in the process of transferring the ownership of the Fremont storage locker from Mark Blair to the club, as he has retired as Equipment Director. OUSA is encouraging clubs to invite an Olympian to a June event as part of Olympic Day 2015, we will look into whether this might help promote the club.
Treasurer's Report/Budget Committee – Sharon Evans
- Sharon thanked the budget committee for working on the 2015 budget proposal, which included a proposal to raise event fees. After reviewing the highlights and adjusting a few line items, the 2015 budget was approved as amended and the fee increase was also approved, effective with the Sunol event March 22.
Mapping Report – Bob Cooley
- Mark Petersen is interested in making maps around Sonora; LIDAR has been found that will help him with this. Zherdev will start work in June, working on South Joe Grant, Joaquin Miller Park, and eventually Big Basin. Jeff is looking into regaining access to Coyote Hills—if this comes about it will likely need remapping.
Event Coordinators Report – Rex Winterbottom, by email
- Rex sent out the current soft schedule—the spring looks pretty good but not a lot going on in the summer.
- Dennis Wilkinson is interested in seeing longer events, such as rogaines, on the schedule. Possible venues for a full rogaine include Henry Coe and Panoche Hills, shorter events might work at Briones or Joe Grant (North plus South). One consideration would be whether we can and should pay volunteers a small fee for helping at this type of event. Several comments were made that other organizations make a token $50 or so payment to their volunteers, and find this helps in recruitment.
A-meet Report
- Gary Kraght submitted a report by email including an update on the Tahoe meet which received preliminary approval from the NFS. An application was submitted to the OUSA for sanctioning. Gary is also soliciting ideas for A-meets for 2016 and 2017.
- Dan Greene brought us up to date with the Joe Grant event, which will have a bus on the first day and a spectator leg on the second day. At this time, one Brown course is being planned that will be suitable for all classes.
Nominating Committee
- Nick Corsano was approved as chair of the nominating committee by a vote of the board. He will assemble a slate and forward that to the board for approval. The Annual General Meeting can then be scheduled either at the Point Pinole or Indian Valley event once the slate is approved.
Junior Grant Committee
- The board voted to approve Gavin Wyatt-Mair as chair of the Junior Grant Committee and also voted to delegate to the Junior Grant Committee the authority to apportion junior grants up to the budgeted amount for 2015.
Solicitation for Donations
- Since we now have nonprofit status, Vicki suggested that we consider earmarking funds as a way to encourage donations for special categories such as Juniors. At present this would unnecessarily complicate accounting and the web page. It also should be clear whether all or any of the membership fee is deductible, Sharon will look into it.
Directors' Reports
- Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
- Nancy has gotten help to put together a schedule handout and hopes to continue this.
- Registration – Steve Haas, by email
- Steve would like to have a discussion at some point, hopefully at an upcoming Board meeting, regarding handling registration forms at the end of each event. They are used for accounting, insurance, publicity, and figuring out who is still out on the course, but it can be tricky making sure the forms are in the right hands at the right time.
- Membership – Werner Haag, by email
- 355 members in 170 memberships currently in good standing, 376/182 if counting less than 6 months past due. Werner plans to post a spreadsheet on Google Docs.
- E-punch – Rosemary Johnson
- It has still been difficult to recruit sufficient volunteers for this key activity.
- Outreach – Scott Aster
- Scott has gotten inquiries from Girl Scouts in Sebastopol and a Civil Air Patrol in Concord.
The next board meeting is scheduled for June 9th.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary