BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Sep. 10, 2013
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 408.313.3753, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members are welcome
Approved minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held September 10, 2013
Present: Scott Aster, Kelly Wells (Treasurer), Steve Haas, Nancy Lindeman, Steve Harrison, Jeff Lanam (President), Werner Haag, Rex Winterbottom, Gary Kraght, Vladimir Gusiatnikov, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary)
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM at the Walker Recreation Center in Foster City.
President's Report – Jeff Lanam
- This has been a summer of highs and lows for BAOC. The high point was of course the Sierra Summerfest: six events in five days, with about 530 A-meet starts and many recreational and fun-event starts. The U.S. orienteering community will be talking about this for a long time, not least because of pizza freshly baked in a historic shepherds' oven. We also had successful, if lightly attended, TrailCross events at Wilder Ranch and Joaquin Miller; a well-attended event at Bayfront Park; and a great, if hot, Camping Weekend at Tamarancho. At the Orienteering USA Annual General Meeting in Truckee, Gavin Wyatt-Mair was awarded the Golden Troll Award for his activities at both the club and national level.
- The low point was the sudden loss of our new Juniors Director, Wayne Caplinger. Wayne had been a member of BAOC from the earliest days, and after several years' hiatus, had returned to an increasingly active role in the club as the Berkeley High School orienteering team coach, Juniors Director, and Bronwyn's father. He leaves a big hole in our club. Another low point, although with hope for improvement, is the condition of our founder, Joe Scarborough. Our thoughts go out to him and his family as he begins his recovery.
- Looking forward, we have a Camping Weekend coming up at Boggs Mountain, the Ultra Long Championship at Pacheco, the Scout-O at Tilden, and a busy schedule of other events. I hope as many of you will attend as possible, volunteer, and bring your friends.
Online Votes/Approval of Minutes – Vicki Woolworth
- There were no online votes this quarter, and a draft of the June minutes was circulated, final approval will be done online.
- As the meeting started without a quorum, a few general items were discussed. Steve Harrison was looking for our stock of racing bibs; it is not certain we still have a stock, but Steve will check in the locker. Nancy Lindeman has two volunteers to inventory the locker. Possibly will assess need for equipment.
Treasurer's Report – Kelly Wells
- Other than Wilder Ranch, our meets have been in the green. A budget committee was appointed, Kelly Wells will chair the committee, which will include Jeff and Rex. Will recruit more members if needed.
Mapping Report – Bob Cooley
- No report from Bob, but Scott Aster mentioned he would look at Jackson Demonstration State Forest as a possibility. The board voted to create a Venue Search Committee; Rex Winterbottom and Scott Aster to lead this up.
Event Coordinator's Report – Rex Winterbottom
- A "soft" schedule for 2014 is available, Rex is fitting volunteers in. His mission is to get more events, maximize turnout, and encourage contribution to the club. Jeff commented that the end of the year might be a good time to evaluate the new formats.
A-Meet Report – Gary Kraght
- Summerfest had 530 starts, no major disasters despite the challenge of a remote event center and full buses. For 2014, we plan to use Boggs the weekend after Memorial Day and have Calero scheduled for September. We are considering hosting the North American Championships in November 2016 with events around the Bay Area.
- Steve Harrison gave an update on the Pacheco State Park Ultra Long Champs. The Middle distance will be on Saturday with a mass start for the Ultra Long on Sunday. Registration has been a bit slow, but should pick up by the October 9th early registration deadline. A recreational Brown course has been added on Sunday for the volunteers whose jobs prevent them from making the mass start.
Juniors and COOL Director
- Neither position is currently filled.
Use of Shell Ridge Map by Get Lost!!
- Vladimir Gusiatnikov would like to use the Shell Ridge Map for the Team Trials Long Course next year, and is willing to trade use of the McLaren map again. Board voted to approve.
Directors' Reports
- Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
- Nancy encouraged all event directors to get information on the website as far ahead of time as possible, and wondered if it might be possible in the future to have a way to see who plans to attend an event, possibly as part of event preregistration.
- Registration – Steve Haas
- Insurance changes have made it necessary to lengthen the registration waiver. Werner, Marina, and Jeff will discuss.
- Membership – Werner Haag
- Membership has remained steady at about 225 membership (350–400 people). Online membership is now working.
- Outreach – Scott Aster
- No contacts for outreach this quarter.
- Ski-O – Tony Pinkham
- Events are scheduled one week later than usual, beginning on Super Bowl weekend (instead of ending that weekend), Feb 1 to Feb 9. The first events will be at the Tahoe venues, and the last two events will be at Bear Valley.
- There was a possibility of having a World Ranking Event at Bear Valley, but I think that we've missed the filing deadline for that (everything depended on Neil Hunt and Julie Raymond being available to set courses, but are not certain if they can participate this year [they are busy rebuilding their home]).
- I'm currently working with the various resort managers to determine our fees for 2014 (should have most of those by this week and a couple at the end of the month).
- Registration can be started sometime after we get most of the fees worked out. My hope is to give the fees info to Trinka, who might have time to put together an online registration form later in September. Trinka is also very busy with work this year, so her time for this is probably minimal. If someone else can jump in to help out with Registration, that would probably be a huge relief to Trinka.
- I have not worked with Nancy to determine our Publicity plan. Hope to do that soon.
- We do have a few extra things to possibly offer this year. In particular, Greg Walker has started making recreational or training courses in the Little Truckee Summit area. These are great for skiing on off days.
Next meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2013
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM
Respectfully submitted
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary