BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Dec. 10, 2013
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 408.313.3753, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members are welcome
Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held December 10, 2013
Present: Kelly Wells (Treasurer), Steve Haas, Nancy Lindeman, Jeff Lanam (President), Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Bob Cooley, Nick Corsano, Rosemary Johnson, Stephen Granger-Bevan, Lori Huberman
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM at the Walker Recreation Center in Foster City.
President's Report – Jeff Lanam
- Jeff thanked Steve Harrison and all the volunteers for a very successful A-meet at Pacheco. There was also a great turnout at the Scout-O, and we now have the makings of a solid schedule for next year. A brief look at last year shows increased attendance, particularly at some of the new-format events, as well as six more days of orienteering than the previous year. Jeff noted that it is time to select the chair for the Nominating Committee for the 2014 board elections, he will contact candidates.
Online Votes/Approval of Minutes – Vicki Woolworth
- The June and September 2013 board minutes were approved online on 12/10/13.
Treasurer's Report – Kelly Wells
- Kelly presented the budget summary for 2013; so far we are under budget but more expenses will likely trickle in.
Mapping Report – Bob Cooley
- Currently Bill Cusworth is making repairs to the Boggs map (due to vegetation changes) and Bob is completing rock details at Shell Ridge. Zherdev is to work on Joaquin Miller Park in May or June to make a sprint map. Bob also worked on Wilder Ranch to improve detail near the oceans, and is helping GCO with Olmstead, looking for LIDAR data. An interesting side note, LIDAR is typically available free from counties, but some tried to make it into a revenue source. The Sierra Club took Orange County to court over this issue and won the right to free map data, which should make some more LIDAR available. While some groups are processing LIDAR data to reveal tree density, Bob has not yet tried this. One venue under consideration is Henry Coe, accessed from the south. Parking is limited and environmental concerns would need to be addressed, but there is good terrain with complex contours. A suggestion was to look into areas north of Boggs in Lake County—nice terrain but remote. Bob's 17-inch printer is currently not functioning, but he is trying to fix it. Matthias Kohler is working on merging the current Huddart map with LIDAR data.
Event Coordinator's Report – Rex Winterbottom, by email
- Rex sent a report to the Bay-O-Net encouraging event directors to get as much information as possible on the web as soon as possible, and to get permits secured as early as is practical. Incomplete event descriptions and "pending park approval" could be discouraging otherwise interested parties from coming to our events. The 2014 schedule is filling up nicely, there is still potential to expand, especially in Tahoe. Jeff noted that the event at Boggs will include a Trail-O ranking event.
501(c)(3) Status – Trinka Gillis, by email
- The incorporation in California is complete. The next step is to apply for 501(c)(3) status with the federal government. After the 501(c)(3) is approved, we need to apply for non-profit status with California. Jeff Lanam thanked Trinka and Nick for their work on this project.
A-Meet Report – Stephen Harrison, by email
- The Pacheco event went well, with about 170 starts each day and 53% of preregistered competitors coming from outside the Bay Area. Despite a misplaced control, and some E-punch glitches (units not synchronizing as expected), the event went well with many enjoying the remote aide station and a well-organized event center.
2014 Budget – Kelly Wells
- Kelly presented the proposed 2014 budget, which was based on last year's budget plus input from various directors. After review and some adjustments, the budget was approved unanimously. The mapping budget was increased slightly, there was a decrease in the general equipment budget (purchased bags last year), and an increase in the E-punch budget to purchase a new computer. As budgeted, there will be a shortfall that will be covered by savings.
Training Directors
- Stephen Granger-Bevan and Lori Huberman volunteered for, and were appointed to, the board as Training Directors.
Directors' Reports
- Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
- Nancy seconded Rex's recommendation to put more information on the web as soon as possible to promote the events, including getting permits finalized. Postcards are being considered instead of paper flyers, and getting onto online calendars as soon as possible is encouraged. An ad for Ski-O has been placed in CompassSport.
- Registration – Steve Haas
- The waiver/insurance issue is still being discussed, a committee has been formed and should meet soon.
- E-Punch – Rosemary Johnson
- The QuickStick program, while still functioning on the club laptop, experienced a setback while attempting an improvement, and Mark Blair will be working to fix it. Rosemary purchased a new pop-up canopy with blackout panels, and is looking for a cart.
- Outreach – Scott Aster, by email
- A Boy Scout leader is looking for help with an event on January 27 at Diablo Valley College. Scott will send out an email to recruit a volunteer.
- Juniors
- Derek Maclean is helping Jay Hann and Gavin Wyatt-Mair to coordinate a COOL series that will have at least one event. Juniors will be encouraged to apply for the OUSA Ian Williams award.
- Ski-O – Tony Pinkham
- The 2014 Sierra Ski-O Tour is scheduled for February 1 to February 9. This year, it begins at Lake Tahoe and ends at Bear Valley. We have most of the director and course setter jobs filled (just awaiting a few people to decide which event to work on). We might not fill the Northstar event jobs, which might mean canceling that low-attendance event without causing any problems for the Tour. Online registration is up and functioning very nicely thanks to Trinka Gillis. This is a first, and should be a huge savings in effort at our events. Everything else is the same as always for these events.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 11 (CORRECTION 4), 2014. Vicki will look into finding a location in the East Bay for this meeting, preferably close to public transportation. Meeting adjourned at 9:49 PM
Respectfully submitted
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary