BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Dec. 4, 2012
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.248.9595, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome
Approved minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held December 4, 2012
Present: Rex Winterbottom (Event Coordinator), Jeff Lanam, Nancy Lindeman, Scott Aster, Nick Corsano, Trinka Gillis (President), Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Rosemary Johnson, Bob Cooley and Steve Haas.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Walker Recreation Center in Foster City.
The meeting opened with a review and discussion of the Treasurer’s Report, submitted by email by Kelly Wells, who called in at 7:20. We are about $10,000 under budget so far, but should finish the year in the black despite starts and income per start being lower than last year. For next year’s budget there has been a request for $12,000 for mapping and a $1,000 refundable deposit for the Presidio. Discussed individual budget items, considered consolidating lockers but both considered full at this time.
President’s Report
- Congratulations to Nick for a successful A-meet at Boggs Mountain. The board decided to decline the invitation to work with JoyneMe as this would require advertising for this service on our home page. There is a plan in the works to revise our home page on the web to include more graphics and generally reorganize. The application is ready for the first stage of our 501(c)(3) application (federal tax exemption) and Trinka will send once subsequent steps will be ready to go. Discussed the advantages of online payment for memberships and event fees (especially A-meets) and the club will look into setting up a Google or PayPal account.
Event Coordinator’s Report
- Rex gave an update on next year’s schedule. Two A-meets, Ski-O, and a fairly full schedule planned, more classic meets desired but more volunteers needed. Noted that NOD conflicts with America’s Cup races.
Email Votes/Approval of Minutes
- June board minutes were approved on 9/22/12, September board minutes approved today (12/4/12) (poll closed 12/06/12).
- Plan to make postcards for the Scramble and TrailCross series. Vlad offered to help distribute at trail runs and other events.
Ski-O Report
- Tony sent email outlining plans for 2013 Ski-O week, which will include 7 events over 9 days. Schedule sent out to Bay-O-Net, main volunteer positions filled, registration to start soon.
Treasurer’s Report
- Kelly Wells, via email
Mapping Report
- Bob Cooley made a base map of Lake Herman in Benica, a Girl Scout volunteer is making a map. Damien Swift to map Del Valle using an excellent LIDAR base. Mississippi Bar map has been updated. Bob is looking for a big project, considering Joaquin Miller/Redwood, Zherdev to come in June. Discussed paying club members for making maps, Trinka to contact Cascade for information on their policy.
A-meet Committee
- Plans being developed for Sierra Summerfest, will include OUSA Annual General Meeting.
Budget Committee
- The committee will meet as soon as possible.
Nominating Committee
- A committee will be formed to recruit officers for next year.
Directors’ Reports
- Bulletin: Jeff may experiment with Twitter.
- Epunch/Event Quality: Discussed the possibility of a GeBe printer-only setup for some C-level or mass-start events. Rosemary described the different types of epunch systems, with Quickstick being easier to use and to train others to use, but OE (SPORTident) still needed for some A-meets for combined times. There is still a need to get event directors to recruit epunch help; additional members for the epunch group would be appreciated.
- Outreach: Scott has been contacted by the San Jose Public Library and is looking into setting up a presentation for them.
- Registration: Online pre-registration being considered, we also have lots of odd-colored punch cards if anyone might need them.
- Juniors: Trinka is recruiting a Juniors director.
Next meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2013.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary