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Minutes: 2012 BAOC Annual General Meeting

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sunol Regional Wilderness, Sunol, California

President Trinka Gillis opened the meeting at 1:30 PM by thanking the event director and course setters for an enjoyable day of orienteering.

Board candidates each gave a brief introduction and the floor was opened for nominations. No additional members were nominated, so the members voted on and approved the proposed slate:

President: Trinka Gillis
Event Coordinator: Rex Winterbottom
Treasurer: Kelly Wells
Secretary: Vicki Woolworth

Treasurer Kelly Wells gave an overview of Club finances, explaining the different sources of income and expenses.

Werner Haag, Membership Director, reported that there are currently 248 active memberships with 327 members, plus 93 past due.

Trinka described the OUSA Silva and Golden Troll Awards, and asked for volunteers for the awards committee. Nominations for these awards are also welcome.

In attendance: Jeff Lanam, Bill Straka, Barbara Straka, Greg Ehrensing, Matthias Kohler, Alex Finch, Mark Blair, Wayne Caplinger, Jim Fish, Steve Haas, Graham Brew, Christine Brew, Cedric Lasfargues, Luc Poppe, Nick Corsano, Vicki Woolworth, Trinka Gillis, Nancy Lindeman, Kelly Wells, Werner Haag, Joan Roos, Rosemary Johnson, and Dan Greene.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary