BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Mar. 8, 2011
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.248.9595, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome
Approved minutes of the March 8, 2011 board meeting – Vicki Woolworth, BAOC Secretary
PRESENT: Trinka Gillis (President), Alex Finch, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), Kelly Wells, Mark Blair, Rex Winterbottom, Jim Fish, Tony Pinkham, Nick Corsano, Nancy Lindeman, Scott Aster, Jay Hann, Rosemary Johnson, Jeff Lanam, Bob Cooley, Ben Legg, Vladimir Gusiatnikov
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Walker Recreation Center in Foster City.
1. Approval of December Meeting Minutes – Trinka Gillis
Minutes of the 12/14/2010 meeting were approved as amended.
2. Email Votes – Vicki Woolworth
Two email votes took place this quarter, both motions approved:
Do you approve that BAOC request the USOF Board of Directors to submit a bid to the International Orienteering Federation to host a round in the 2012 Ski-Orienteering World Cup, to host the 2012 US Champs, and to share 50% of the profit from the World Cup races (after expenses) with the US Ski-O team? Approved on 1/23/2011.
Do you approve the BAOC 2011 budget, posted to the baoc-board group on January 18th, 2011, as has been moved by Alex Finch? Approved on 2/8/2011.
3. President’s Report – Trinka Gillis
Trinka announced that Steve Haas has volunteered to be the Registration Director.
The 501(c)(3) filing is still in progress, it looks like we won’t need an attorney.
Discussed asking Van Boughner if the webmaster role should continue to have a Board seat.
Trinka revived discussion of opening the baoc-board email list beyond the current and recent former board members to open communication to the membership and to encourage people to be more active on the board. Board is generally supportive of opening the list by request, to be reviewed by moderator.
4. Event Coordinator’s Report – Alex Finch
Alex brought up the issue of scheduling conflicts with other clubs. Discussion concluded that conflicts are to be avoided if possible, but are expected to occur occasionally as the number of groups holding events and the number of events increases.
5. Mapping – Bob Cooley
The Casa de Fruita map is almost finished. A small addition has been made to the Pacheco map to cover possible route choices. Zherdev should be getting the Cottonwood map to Bob soon.
6. Treasurer’s Report – Kelly Wells
Kelly gave an overview of the budget so far, and reviewed the updated event income and expenses. He also reviewed the rental of epunch sticks, no changes suggested to the current policy and practice, would still prefer to rent extras for big events rather than purchase more at this time.
7. Registration Director Nomination – Trinka Gillis
Steve Haas has volunteered to become the Registration director. The nomination was approved by vote of the board.
8. Nomination Committee – Jeff Lanam
No other nominations have been made; the existing slate of officers was approved by the board.
9. Pacheco A-meet Status – Jay Hann
More volunteers are needed, especially crew chiefs.
10. Ski-O – Tony Pinkham
The bid to host part of the Ski-Orienteering World Cup has been submitted to the IOF and we should hear in May. A substantial fee has been rumored and Tony made it clear that we cannot proceed with the event if the full fee is charged. Vlad voiced concern that the IOF will expect significant investment of resources in publicity for the event; Tony will discuss expectations and resources with the IOF representatives.
The board voted to allocate $500 for Ski-O World Cup publicity.
11. Expanding Our Base – Alex Finch
Alex led a discussion on promoting orienteering, including what groups we should reach out to, what types of marketing activities are currently in the works, and considering modifying our fee structure. A task force is being formed, members to include Rex Winterbottom, Tony Pinkham, Jim Fish, Trinka Gillis, Nancy Lindemann, Ben Legg, Alex Finch; Werner Haag and Steve Haas to be invited.
12. Directors’ Reports
- Publicity – Nancy Lindeman has been using colored flyers for membership to make sure they stand out and don’t get mixed in with the registration forms at meets. She is also promoting the meet at Pacheco, contacting ROTC and other groups to raise awareness of the unique opportunities at this event.
- Bulletin – Jeff Lanam reminded folks to get their articles in.
- Training – Ben Legg is planning a first aid class for August.
- Outreach – Scott Aster would appreciate more volunteers for outreach events; there have been several opportunities and inquiries.
- Equipment – Mark Blair reports that the equipment locker is now set up in Fremont with a combination lock.
- Juniors – Jay Hann reports that the COOL 2010-2011 season is over. Planning for the next season is well under way with increasing involvement by the Juniors in planning as well as participating in the events.
There was no new business.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 7.