BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Sep. 14, 2010
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.248.9595, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome
Approved minutes of the September 14, 2010 Board meeting – Vicki Woolworth, BAOC Secretary
PRESENT: Trinka Gillis, Mark Blair, Nick Corsano, Nancy Lindeman, George Minarik, Kelly Wells, Vicki Woolworth, Alex Finch, Scott Aster, Jay Hann, Scott Novotny, Jeff Lanam, Werner Haag, Dan Greene
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Walker Recreation Center in Foster City.
1. Approval of June Meeting Minutes – Trinka Gillis
Minutes of the 6/7/2010 meeting were approved as published.
2. Email Votes – Vicki Woolworth
There were no email votes this past quarter.
3. President's Report – Trinka Gillis
Trinka thanked the event volunteers for a great weekend of orienteering at Lake Tahoe.
There are still four open positions: epunch director, registration director (also regional post), volunteer coordinator. Approaches to recruiting were discussed.
4. Event Coordinator's Report – Alex Finch
Progress has been made with Huddart Park, a C-meet is planned. Off-trail use at Monte Bello will not be permitted. Willow Glen is likely to be the location for the pot-luck since Stanford is not available due to the fact that there is not a currently active club that can sponsor us. There is a possibility of reviving orienteering at Annadel if appropriate financial arrangements can be made.
Suggestion was made that it would be good to coordinate registration with e-punch; an assistant director of IT was proposed to help Mark Blair implement the new system. Also discussed simplifying the fee structure.
5. Treasurer's Report – Kelly Wells
Kelly reviewed compiled figures.
6. Mapping
Progress is being made on the map of Little Truckee Summit (formerly referred to as Cottonwood). Eight square kilometers have been field checked, and it should be drawn by February so that course setters can start planning for September's meet.
7. A-Meet Report – George Minarik
Plans for the October A-meet at Boggs Mountain are in place; about 70 volunteers have been recruited. Pacheco in April is set, and application has been made for a Sierra 3-day A-meet in September. Short discussion on urban vs woods sprint venues. Trend is toward urban, this type is dominant in Europe and follows ISSOM standard. Currently we have some non-urban sprints planned, and this has not prevented OUSA sanctioning so far.
8. Membership – Werner Haag
Working on developing an online membership system, Werner will ask Van Boughner to address concerns about security and other issues. Board agreed to support subsidy of online membership system if required to set this up.
9. Background Checks – Trinka Gillis
OUSA has set up an agreement with an agency that does background checks to provide this service for clubs. The understanding is that individual clubs are to establish guidelines concerning who needs a background check. Typically volunteers who are responsible for large sums of money or who supervise juniors would require checks. Level II coaches are all required by OUSA to have a background check. No agreement yet on what our guidelines should be; deferred vote until further research and discussion.
10. Meridian Geographics Sponsorship Agreement – Trinka Gillis
MerGeo has not objected to our proposal.
11. Stanford Orienteering Club – Nancy Lindeman
Brainstorming for names of possible contacts at Stanford who might help us find a way to set up an orienteering club resulted in several possibilities. Nancy might also contact other outdoor clubs to serve as sponsor for our meets.
12. E-punch Update – Mark Blair
Mark described the QuickStick system that would require a laptop, an e-reader, and a PS receipt printer that would be capable of printing the runner's name, course, and other information. The goal is to provide a system that can be operated by a volunteer with minimal training. Discussion ensued on improving coordination between registration and epunch to minimize duplication of effort while maintaining adequate tracking of participants.
13. Simplifying Registration Costs – Trinka Gillis
A committee was formed to simplify the pricing structure for registration. Trinka, Ev and Jean Beuerman, Kelly Wells, and Werner Haag volunteered to work on this project.
14. Club Championships Awards – Trinka Gillis
The Board agreed to provide awards for the Club Championships, scheduled for October 25.
15. Directors' Reports
- a. Publicity – Nancy Lindeman – Ski-O dates have just been set. Posters are available.
- b. Bulletin – Jeff Lanam – Publication is running a little late; it would be great to have new fresh material.
- c. Outreach – Joe Scarborough and Rex Winterbottom have been providing occasional corporate trainings, typically on a weekday.
- d. Juniors – Jay Hann – Jay mentioned the Powder Horn training for Boy Scout Venture leaders; Manfred, Philipp, and Daniel Kopisch are involved in bringing orienteering skills to this event. COOL will be starting soon. There was discussion of whether GCO will be using epunch at their meet, as is customary with COOL events.
Meeting adjourned at 10 PM. Next Board meeting is scheduled for December 7.
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary
Minutes approved without changes. December 14th, Foster City, CA