BAOC Board Meeting
Date: (Tue.) Dec. 9, 2008
Location: Menlo Park, CA
Event Directors: - 650.906.9672, - 650.248.9595
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 PM; pizza will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome
Approved minutes of the December 9, 2008 board meeting – Trinka Gillis
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by President Nick Corsano
Present were:
Jeff Lanam, Rosemary Johnson, Everett Beuerman, Jean Beuerman, Esther Heller, Matthias Kohler, Tapio Karras, George Minarik, Mark Blair, Peter Graube, Steve Gregg, Steve Beuerman, Nick Corsano, Alex Finch, Bob Cooley, Scott Aster, Dan Greene, Ken Considine, Toby Ferguson, Jay Hann, Nancy Lindeman.
At Nick's suggestion, attendees introduced themselves.
1. Approval of minutes – Nick Corsano
- The September meeting minutes were approved without changes.
2. President’s report – Nick Corsano
- Nick congratulated Mark Blair on winning the annual service award. Nick said this has been a busy fall, highlighted by the A-meet and the 30th anniversary meet
- Nick thanked Bob Cooley and Mark Blair for their help with the U.S. Trail-O Championships
- Nick mentioned that USOF planned to hire a paid executive, and that USOF thought that A-meet fees would need to be raised to help pay for him.
3. Event Coordinator’s report – Alex Finch
- The sprint series went well this year, although the rules were unclear. Rex will head the sprint series again, and we formed a group of interested sprinters to help define the rules for 2009. Alex might try to start incorporating some Trail-O into local meets—even if only 1 or 2 sample controls. It is a useful exercise to learn to compare map and terrain—both as a competitor and a course setter.
4. Treasurer’s Report – Steve Beuerman
- The budget was presented with few comments.
5.Orienteering at Moffett Field – Peter Graube
- Peter Graube presented a proposal for mapping part of the Moffett Field Naval Air Station. He states that NASA would like BAOC to sign the Space Act Agreement before being allowed to make the map. Peter says he was approached by the Int'l Space University to run an orienteering venue, and Peter thought we should see about making a proper map and holding events there in the future. Problems are that restrictions may be prohibitive, the size allowed for the map may be small, and concerns about getting contractual agreement to ensure BAOC has continued use of the map. Nick will craft a letter to NASA as Peter has a conflict of interest. The board unanimously approved a motion to pursue making a map of Moffett Field for club use.
6. Nominating committee – Nick Corsano
- Nick appointed Scott Aster to head the nominating committee to come up with a slate of officers for the next term.
7. Trail-O
- U.S. Trail O has suggested BAOC donate the proceeds of the U.S. Trail-O Champs. Lots of discussion. Feeling of most was that BAOC spent most of the time, energy, and funds on the trail-O and that we should keep the funds. Decision was postponed. Nick will get more information from Trail-O members. This led to a more general discussion, and it was agreed that Dan Greene and George Minarik would work on a club policy on contributions.
8. Mapping – Bob Cooley
- Bob is looking for a new project. Oyster Bay Dump is a new map being completed now. Calero has been worked on and expanded. Spring Lake has been updated for the U.S. Team Trials. Annadel—Rosemary and Gary may approach the rangers again. Mikkel Conradi was unsuccessful in getting them to allow us to use the park.
9. A-Meets – George Minarik
- O in the Oaks was very successful. We will use the same on-line registration for the Boggs Mtn. and Spring Lake events in May. November 2009 will be an A-meet at Pacheco State Park. Jeff Lanam will be meet director, the event will be Nov. 7-8. There is no on-site campground, course setters are needed, and the format has not yet been determined. There is camping at San Luis Reservoir, and the terrain may lend itself to a Night-O. Marsha Jacobs will be the registrar.
10. 2012 JWOC Bid – Jay Hann
- This bid must be into IOF by the end of January. Jay Hann and Gavin Wyatt-Mair will present information on BayONet for this possible bid for BAOC to host the 2012 JWOC.
11. Budget – Steve Beuerman
- Income kept roughly the same. Juniors bought SportIdent School kit. E-punch is moving to all BSF8 units.
- A motion was moved and seconded that the budget be adopted with the addition of $1000 more for clocks. The motion passed unanimously.
12. E-Punch – Toby Ferguson
- Gebe printer trial at Las Trampas went well. E-punch team is working to lessen the amount of work on the crew at meets.
13. Member Survey
- An electronic survey of club members will be done during the first quarter. Questions will deal with what members value, and what our priorities should be.
14. Juniors – Jay Hann
- Jay Hann would like to add coaches as eligible applicants for the Juniors Grant.
- A motion was moved and seconded that coaches be made eligible to apply for the Junior Grant Program. The motion passed.
15. Equipment – Mark Blair
- Mark Blair needs space to store club equipment. Volunteers for this should contact Mark. BAOC may look into renting a storage locker.
The next meeting will be held in Menlo Park on March 10th, 2009.
Meeting adjourned at 10:06 PM.
Minutes: Trinka Gillis, BAOC Secretary
Approved at March 10, 2009 board meeting