BAOC Board Meeting Minutes
Date: (Tue.) Mar. 6, 2007
Location: Menlo Park, CA
Event Directors: - 650.906.9672, - 650.248.9595
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 PM; pizza will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome
Approved minutes of the March 6, 2007 board meeting with changes – Trinka Gillis
Meeting called to order at 7:00 P.M. at the
Burgess Recreation Center in Menlo Park.
In attendance: Dan Greene, Nancy Lindeman, Matthias Kohler, Tony Pinkham, Van Boughner, Trinka Gillis, Brad Wetmore, Kelly Wells, Mark Blair, Nick Corsano, Steve Gregg, Esther Heller, Jean Beuerman, Everett Beuerman, Jeff Lanam, Jay Hann, George Minarik, Meg Gerstner, Bob Cooley
1. Approval of Minutes
- The Minutes from last meeting were approved as corrected by Jay Hann. The cost is $800, not $1800, for the Interscholastic Championships.
2. There were no email votes.
3. President's report – Nick Corsano
- We're working on a non-profit status.
- The Ski-O week was a smashing success!
- We have a good spring schedule.
4. Event coordinator's report – Brad Wetmore
- April 29 Las Trampas is awaiting park approval.
- He's hoping to fill out the summer schedule.
- The fall schedule looks good.
- There may be a problem with the April 15 Stanford Event, since that's Community Day. They have wanted us there for Community Day in past years, but this year there seems to be a problem.
- NOD is scheduled for Coyote Hills, Spring Lake, and Presidio this year.
- George asked if we could get a tentative schedule, maybe a separate schedule so we'd know what events were in the planning stage.
- Jay mentioned that the scouts plan way ahead, they'll plan 2008 this summer.
- Could we plan some of the events ahead?
- Maybe we could list the event and say "needs event director".
- Brad let us know that our new Insurance Company is much better. We got fast help when we had a problem at the Auburn Ski Club.
- Mark Prior is moving to Spain.
- We appealed the Big Basin request that we stay on trails.
- Shooting Star had to cancel all 2007 events because of park access.
- We're having trouble scheduling events at some of our parks.
- Nancy passed around the USOF 2007 Colorado Convention and A-meet schedule.
5. Treasurer's report – Steve Beuerman
- Steve sent his report in since he was absent.
6. Mapping report – Bob Cooley
- Vladimir Zherdev is working on the Bogg's Mt. map now.
- We're waiting for a base map on Pacheco Pass, then Vladimir Zherdev will work on that map.
- Bob is working on the Knowland Park map himself.
- The Bon Tempe map is "bad" in places, but the Marin Co. Water Board doesn't allow competitive events on this land. The volunteer event is not competitive so we can have 20 people per day. George asked if local people might be able to correct the map. It needs to be recopied from USGS map. Bob could work on the harder parts and other people could do the easier parts. A new base map won't help because so much is under the Redwoods.
- Jeff said that HP is selling Little Basin and it might go to the state Wilderness Society.
- A new version of Condes is coming out soon and we should buy it. It will come out of the mapping budget.
- Tony is talking to the Northstar Ski area people about a ski-o event there. They might be interested.
- George said that we will try to hold a Tahoe 2-Day or Tahoe 3-Day event every summer.
7. Nominating Committee – Nancy Lindeman
- The nominating committee of Kelly Wells, Scott Aster, and Nancy Lindeman recommended:
- Nick Corsano for President
- Brad Wetmore for Event Coordinator
- Trinka Gillis for Secretary
- Steve Beuerman for Treasurer
- Nick Corsano for President
- Anyone can be placed for nomination at the Annual General Meeting.
8. Tax-exempt status proposal – Nick Corsano
- It offers protection to us as board members.
- Most of the O-clubs in the country have 501(c)(3) status.
- People will be able to donate equipment to the club and take a tax deduction.
- The proposal on tax-exempt status, namely:
- THAT The Bay Area Orienteering Club shall:
- (1) File articles of incorporation with the California Secretary of State as a nonprofit public benefit corporation, to be named Bay Area Orienteering Club, Inc.
- (2) Once incorporated, file an Application for Recognition of Exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- (3) Once incorporated, file an Exemption Application with the California Franchise Tax Board.
- The proposal passed.
9. Co-sponsorship of San Francisco Night and Day – Meridian Geographics
- The proposal passed as amended. We changed the cancellation or modification to be requested by Dec. 1 instead of Jan 1 so that we could discuss it at the Dec. board meeting. See Proposal.
10. Summer Training Day – Steve Gregg
- Steve is thinking of using Robert's Redwoods and Joaquin Miller for training. He wants to have beginning, intermediate, and especially Junior training.
- Dan suggested alternating throughout the day with physical and armchair training.
- Jay said that CYNO has youth training. They run courses and then use tables for armchair training. Part of the Boy Scout merit badge says that they have to help run an event.
- Jeff liked the idea of training right before an event.
- Nick wants club members to come and socialize.
- We had a discussion of timing and schedule for the morning.
- Dan and Jay will help. Nick, Rex, Steve Gregg, and Brad will help plan.
11. A-Meet Committee report – George Minarik
- A committee of former A-meet directors and course setters will help make it easier on the A-meet directors. They can help them with awards and many of the details. It will be an all E-mail committee.
- By June 1 we'll know if we'll have a Tahoe 2-Day or Tahoe 3-Day event next summer.
- 2008 in the Fall, Bogg's Mt.? 2009, Pacheco Pass?
- They want a Tahoe Event every summer.
- Other people can join this E-mail planning group. George will put them on the list.
12. 2007 Ski-O Champs report – Tony Pinkham
- It was a success!
- We had 240 people including 120+ Juniors at the Ski-O events. It made about $2,000 profit. About $12,000 passed through our hands.
- The all-junior event was held at the Auburn Ski Club.
- We had low snow conditions throughout the event and courses needed to be changed at the last minute.
- Tony wants to have a 4-day long weekend Ski-O event next year. Brad wanted to know if it will be an A-meet.
- He's planning another U.S. Ski-O Champs in the future.
- The profit from the Ski-O shirts went to the U.S. Ski-O Team.
- Tony asked if anyone wants to write a competitive sports-page type newspaper article.
- Tony thanked the board for the extra money that we used for the Ski-O publicity budget.
- Our club won the Perm Cup this year and $300. Tony suggested using the money for maps for the Junior event for 120–150 kids for next year.
- Tony showed everyone the Perm Cup award from Perm, Russia.
13. 2007 Western States Champs update – Scott Aster
- The map will be here shortly.
- Jeff asked if we would have a flier to take to A-meets.
- It will be the Western States Champs.
14. Director's Reports
- a. Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
- Jennifer Kerr and Nancy sent out over 50 press releases. Nancy had good luck getting the event listed in many calendars.
- b. Social – Rex Winterbottom
- c. Outreach – Scott Aster
- Brad gave a presentation to the Optimist Club.
- d. E-punch – Trinka Gillis
- We are looking for someone to coordinate E-punch.
- e. Membership – Kelly Wells
- We have 476 members.
- Kelly created a business card about orienteering to hand out to people while he's chatting with them when he's out hiking with his dog.
- He can e-mail the word document to anyone who wants a copy.
- f. USOF – Gary Kraght not present
- g. Event Quality – Dan Greene
- Dan is revising the Course Setters' guidelines
- h. Juniors – Jay Hann
- Jay has a conference-call committee. They are working on goals and Junior ideas.
- We could get some money from the USOF Grant for juniors. USOF is giving away $10,000.
- i. Registration – Ev & Jean Beuerman
- We didn't reorder the colored cards since we don't use them very often anymore. We have been using E-punch at most of our events for White and Yellow.
- j. Equipment – Mark Blair
- We are getting new digital clocks, some new controls, maybe sandwich signs. Should we get locked signs?
- Nancy said that some people mentioned that some of our controls were faded at the Ski-O, and that she noticed that some of our directional signs were moldy.
- k. Training – Steve Gregg
- l. Bulletin – Jeff Lanam
- Jeff is working on getting a good format for putting it in PDF. He's working on putting past bulletins on our website.
- m. Website – Van Boughner
- We get 12,000 hits a day. We get the most hits at 9AM and 7PM. 44% are from the US, 3% from Finland, 0.75% from Norway, 0.13% from the Dominican Republic. He gave us a list of the top 30 of 83 Countries.
- He will get a vendor page this quarter.
- n. Adventure Race coordination – Mark Prior not present
15. New business (including date of next meeting)
- Next meeting will be held Tues., June 5
The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Lindeman