Dog Leg Outfitters

A trusted name in orienteering you can go back to again and again

Our inventory of specialty goods grows as our customers suggest products that they cannot find with other orienteering outfitters. We can find and supply you with anything. Your imagination guides our success.

TOTALLY UNIQUE!!! Seasonal Registration Forms
These forms ROCK!
Only Dog Leg Outfitters offers seasonal
registration forms. We have forms for
every holiday, season, month, and weekend.
Studies show that seasonal registration
forms attract larger crowds that
pay more money. Check out our
April registration form for 2005.

Prices vary. Ask for a quote!

It's finally here -- The Ultimate CD of Orienteering Jokes
The best of the best, no tasteless joke left behind!
Thousands of contributions! Nothing censored!
Looking for something different to say when all is said and done
about everyone's courses?
"What's the difference between men
and women orienteers?
"Why do orienteers do it in the woods?"
"How many orienteers does it take to
make a mountain lion out of a mole hill?

Answers to these burning questions can
only be found by listening to this CD.

            USA   CAN   UK   EUR
Each copy  14.99 20.00 7.50 9,00

Still popular! Spectrum Enhancement Glasses for Men
The long awaited equalizer for color blind and light sensitive men

Red, green, and blue spectrum glasses bring out colors you might not otherwise see.

Traditional sunglasses sold by other outfitters can hide controls less than a meter away.

           USA    CAN    UK   EUR
Each pair 79.95 105.99 42.00 65,00
Always HOT! Left-Handed SportIdent® Epunch Finger Sticks
South paws triumph at last!

Proudly display your SportIdent® finger stick on the leading edge of your left index finger as you aggressively speed past surprised rivals to punch in at the same control! This new model holds at least 60 punches--a must for rogaines and goats.

       USA   CAN    UK   EUR
Left  39.95 52.99 21.50 32,75
Right 29.95 39.99 16.00 24,50

Request a free catalog of our specialty products.