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Melissa Criqui and Marsha Jacobs show off their "O in the Oaks" T-shirts for the Morgan Territory A-meet, October 2001 (Photo: Judy Koehler)

Sunol Regional Wilderness - ROGAINE (Adventure Orienteering)

Entry Form

Date: Sunday, March 21, 2004
Location: Sunol, CA.
Event Director: - 510-658-4327
Back to the Event Announcement

We need to receive your entry by Thursday March 18, 2004. Please print out this entry form, fill it in, and send it with your entry fee of $10 per person to

Harold DeMoss
6365 Crown Ave
Oakland, CA 94611






CATEGORY: please circle one...

    Open Men       Open Women       Open Mixed

    Master Men     Master Women     Mixed Masters

    Veteran Men    Veteran Women    Mixed Veterans

Note that you do not have to decide between 4 hrs. and 7hrs. at this time.