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How Much Does it Cost?

(The fees below were effective January 1, 2019. They are subject to change.)

BAOC is a non-profit organization¹ run by volunteers. Event fees cover the costs of making and printing the maps, park permits, insurance, and other event-related expenses. This page is shows fees collected at events; go here for membership fees.

BAOC's standard event fees are listed below. Every participant (including all members of groups) receives a copy of the map (which can be kept). Fees might vary for special events, such as Score-Os, goats, rogaines, motalas, and National Events (A-meets) (although the fees below generally apply to recreational courses at National Events). When non-standard fees apply to an event, the event fees are explained on the event announcement page.

The event fees may also be seen on our standard entry form (PDF/12KB)², which you may fill out in advance if you wish. You will need one entry form for each group.

Beginner (White, Yellow) Courses³

    Entry fee for each person            Adult $8     Junior $3
    2nd, 3rd, ... course (see below)     Adult $0     Junior $0

Intermediate (Orange) and Advanced (Brown, Green, Red, Blue) Courses³

    Member entry fee, each person        Adult $15    Junior $5
    Non-member entry fee, each person    Adult $20    Junior $5
    2nd, 3rd, ... course (see below)     Adult $0     Junior $0

Special Events (e.g., Goats & Rogaines

    (These are typical fees, which could be modified for individual events.)

    Member entry fee, each person        Adult $20    Junior $10
    Non-member entry fee, each person    Adult $25    Junior $10

Other Fees

    Children under 8 with parent,
      guardian, or youth group leader    Free
    Beginners' Clinics                   Free
    Compass Rental                       $1; no security deposit required
    E-punch Rental                       $5; no security deposit required
                                           ($25 liability for lost stick)


A Junior is defined as anyone age 8 through 20.


Note that "group" refers to people going on a course together, not people arriving at the event together. For example, six people might arrive together, and go on courses as three groups of one, two, and three people, respectively​—​they would need three entry forms.

Multiple Courses

Since multiple courses are generally available at an event, it's fairly common for people to run a second course (sometimes even third and fourth courses!). When that is done, the person is expected to pay the fee for the most expensive course, regardless of the order in which they are run. (That is, there is no extra fee for additional courses.)


¹ BAOC has tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) organization (i.e., charitable non-profit organization), effective September 25, 2013.

² PDF files are viewable with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html) program.

³ Note that, in addition to the per-person course fees, other fees might apply to each group. For example, each group will need an E-punch stick if the event uses electronic scoring.