Minutes: BAOC Board Meeting

Monday, June 2, 2003

by Sharon Evans

PRESENT: Scott Aster, Jean Beuerman, Everett Beuerman, Mark Blair, Bob Cooley, Nick Corsano, Evan Custer, Sharon Evans, Steve Gregg, Gary Kraght, Jeff Lanam, Nancy Lindeman, George Minarik, Ian Tidswell

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. at the Alta Bates Imaging Center in Oakland, CA.

1. Approval of Minutes - Ian Tidswell

The minutes of the March 5, 2003 Board meeting were approved.

2. President's Report - Ian Tidswell

Thanks to Evan, Dan, and everyone who put on the Tahoe Three Day meet. Evan reported that there was only one irate neighbor. There were some SI unit problems on Sunday and Monday (but no problems on Saturday). They determined the cause on Sunday to be the cell phone that Dan wore. Additionally, Evan said that a small number of the BS4 boards have had problems. We are working with SportIdent to solve these problems, perhaps by upgrading them to the newer, more stable board. Mark inquired as to the cost per unit for retrofit. A discussion on SI units ensued. Evan said that the goal is to upgrade by the U.S. Champs. In regards to the irate neighbor, it was suggested that it should be put into the guidelines that course setters not set controls within 50 - 100 meters of private property.

Ian announced that he asked Dan Greene to be event quality director, and Dan accepted. The Board then unanimously voted to accept him for the position. Thanks to Dan - it's agreed that he's got a good personality for the position.

Congratulations to James Scarborough for making the U.S. Orienteering team! And to Syd Reader for making 1st alternate!

Ian announced that Dayle Lavine was not going to be able to continue to be in charge of the Little Troll program. Ian asked if someone would like to take it over, stating that it does not take a lot of management or time and effort. Jean mentioned that every registration kit has patches. Ian will post a notice to the Bayonet.

Training - Joaquin Miller: Permanent course. Should we put maps on the website to facilitate use? Shell Ridge: A part of Shell Ridge, with the permanent course, isn't on the website yet. It was agreed that both maps should be put on the website in pdf format.

Website - looks good. The simple design is nice. The organization needs a little refinement - some of us spend too much time looking for stuff, and some links need to be rein-stilled (lost during site conversion).

3. Treasurer's Report - George Minarik

Our current bank balance is $15,000, but George says that we're committed for it. He noted that all the events are doing well this year. The Tahoe Three Day earned a little less than expected, and a lot of expenses have yet to come in. George requested clarification on the Northstar meet listed on the Event Income recap. Evan said that it is a GCO meet, and that GCO will get the proceeds. George will delete that meet from BAOC's budget. The Stanford meet income/expenses recap is still a work in progress. George is working with Syd to determine where the money went. George feels that, on the income side, we still need to be conservative. The expenses are on track - under, actually, in all categories. The increase in park use permits is because of more meets, which will be offset by the income from these meets.

4. Mapping Report - Bob Cooley

Joe Grant - Vladimir Zherdev (who also did Briones) will be here for one month, in June. Zoran Krikopavic will be here for two months. This project might run a little over budget. But, after September, no more expenses are anticipated.

Sonoma Park - Scott Aster reported that the Park wants us to map about 300 acres. This is a great venue for come-and-try-it events (good for yellow & orange courses). The Park won't give us money for the mapping, but they will give us permission, and let us hold meets there for free. There is lots of parking. There are subdivisions on one side, and ranches on other. An easement currently exists through the ranches, but off trail use is not allowed. It was proposed that ranch landowners be approached to map that property.

Chabot Observatory - Ian says that they want to remap the section where the observatory was built, and add permanent markers closer to the observatory. Steve Gregg will be involved in that process.

Joe Grant base map - Mark Blair is converting the North base map to OCAD format piece by piece, and handing the progressively larger converted map to Bob Cooley so that he can print sections of it to feed to the two field checkers (Vladimir Zherdev & Zoran Krikopavic). The whole base map covers 19 sq. km. Bob thinks we have enough total field checker manpower to check and draw the entire map by early next year.

5. Event Coordinator's Report - Evan Custer

Evan reported that some backward progress has been made. We need a course setter for Joaquin Miller, but we have an event director. Las Trampas is up in the air. Wilder Ranch has a course setter, but needs an event director. Next year, both A-meets need event directors. Some people have given "maybes," but no firm commitments have been established.

6. 2003 US Champs Update - Evan Custer

All the preliminary course work is done. Hannu Haarma has been out and streamered courses; he still needs to do the field checking for day two. Housing reservations are coming in for Camp Concord - Jean says 38 so far. ONA will be running another ad in the July edition. Evan projects 500+ people. Several big groups are already signed up. Jean noted that the cabins are rustic, unpretentious, woodsy, and bucolic. The dining room is open 24 hours. The lodging is similar to the Idaho accommodations last year, but without the woods. Evan said that we will probably need to shuttle to the start on the first day. On the first day, there will be a short walk back from the finish to the assembly area. Recreational courses will be offered every day. It was noted that there were 15-20 adventure racers at Tahoe.

7. Emergency Plan Approval - Ian Tidswell (for Bill Straka)

Ian reported that Meg Gerstner read the BAOC Safety Guidelines for Orienteering A-Meets report for legal language and that Bill accepted her changes. This report now satisfies the USOF requirement as-is. A substantial discussion took place regarding what we should now do with it. The matter was tabled.

8. Big Blue Adventure Race Update - Ian Tidswell

Bill has prepared draft safety guidelines for A-meet sanctioning. The objective is to provide a working document useful by volunteers (not professional S&R personnel), that will appropriately minimize problems and legal liabilities but still create a useful plan based on the premise that if something does happen, we'll try to help. Bill's draft generally follows the USOF draft. Included in the draft are recommendations to have notices widely available (e.g. hazards of terrain), steps to be followed if something goes wrong, special issues for youth participants, a suggested S&R process, and an incident report. The draft has been reviewed by Meg, and she will provide some suggested changes to Bill for inclusion in the guidelines. It was suggested that some sections of the guidelines should be included on the website.

9. Policy for Compensation for Designing Courses for External Groups - Scott Aster

Scott reported that it is challenging to get people to help, whether they're volunteering, or paid, although a little more response has been generated with the offer of pay. Scott says that Joe Scarborough has been doing ones that no one else fills. It was noted that Scarborough O' grads. have been coming to BAOC meets and that they report being pleased with Joe's training. Policies are difficult to set because groups are always a negotiated price, dependant on the group. Jeff suggested something like a 'materials fee,' based on the number of controls or something, just for accountability. Ian recommended that corporations always pay, and that non-profits have exceptions. Scott says he received seven responses to the Las Trampas request. George noted that this is not a real revenue stream, just a goodwill thing - there are approximately 10 free for every one paying. It was noted that the paying individuals are on the rise.

10. Adoption of a Policy on Dogs on Orienteering Courses - Gary Kraght

Gary reported that at Annadel & Indian Valley, both parks had incidences involving dogs. And, though not major, both had problems with land managers. Regarding the dogs, one problem was that the dog(s) were not able to complete the course in the allotted time. A second problem was with dogs fighting, or harassing other people. The third problem was a dog that freaked out at Indian Valley, and the people left without checking in, taking their rented e-stick with them (they have since been contacted about returning the e-stick). There is concern that if we ever have an incident where someone complains to a ranger, it could be very bad for BAOC (possibly won't allow us back to park). Gary proposed four options: 1. do nothing - status quo; 2. establish a policy to no longer allow dogs on O' courses; 3. let dogs be allowed on white or yellow courses only (assuming that the park allows); 4. let each event director decide whether or not to allow dogs. Nancy inquired as to whether other clubs have a policy on dogs. Jeff said that he didn't find anything in the U.S., but that he found a policy for the British O' Club, and that Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand have some policies. New Zealand, for instance, does not allow dogs, period. Jeff does not want to prohibit dogs entirely. Search and rescue people sometimes are training their dogs, and women sometimes use for safety. Scott brought up a timing faux pas: there were Bernese Mountain Dogs at a recent successful outreach event. These dogs are passive and don't go off-trail. He feels that a complete ban at this time is not good idea. Mark suggested a gently worded blanket prohibition, such as "in general, dogs are not allowed, unless otherwise noted . . ." or "dogs are generally not appropriate on advanced courses. . ." and/or "dogs are not really compatible. . .", and to include the verbiage "where dogs are restricted by park or landowner rules. . ." And, of course that "guide dogs are allowed (deaf, blind, helper)." Ian says that he will ask Ben to put a paragraph on the BAOC website.

11. Directors' Reports

There was no report for Membership (Steve Beuerman), E-punch (Robert Lewis), Event Quality, Website (Ben Wahlstrand), or Social (Olivia Graeve).

Registration (Ev and Jean Beuerman): Abby Wolfe graciously donated the video she won at the Tahoe Three Day event back to the Club. Ev & Jean gave it to Dan Stoll-Hayada for distribution at a future event.

Equipment (Mark Blair): Mark reported that the Club currently has 50 aluminum stands and between 120 and 150 bags without permanent control codes on them. A purchase of 75 additional stands was approved. Ian said that a sunshade has been offered for membership (via email). It was agreed to accept it, and Evan volunteered to garage it (as Harold & Penny don't have any more room - they currently house seven tents/shades).

Juniors (Nick Corsano): Nick reported that people have done some presentations and courses and it is going well.

Permits (Evan Custer for Rosemary Johnson): Evan said that Alan and Deborah Lavergne are stepping down, and that Rosemary can't do it all (the job is too big for one person). But, they think they might have found a replacement for the Lavergnes.

Publicity (Nancy Lindeman): Nancy reported that she emailed everyone who signed up to help with publicity. Shirley Pierce volunteered to do a flyer for the Tahoe event. It's in a folding form, and Nancy is really pleased with it. Distribution: Nancy puts in sports shops and other related stores. REI: Nancy will request people to distribute flyers to REI's near them. Scott will check out the Corte Madera REI - they said they were holding an O' seminar, but no one on the Board (including Nancy) has heard about it. Nancy reported getting the Rogaine and the Tahoe Adventure Race listed in Adventure Sports (magazine). Additionally, Big Blue listed all our clinics, and their website has a link to ours. Judy Koehler sent an article from the Sonoma County Herald regarding a recent event. Nancy is setting up a course in Huddart Park tomorrow (June 3) for kids, and, in general, has been working a lot with schools. She suggested making our website friendly to newcomers, not just for current O'ers. She also mentioned that there is an REI in Reno, which would be a good place for a clinic.

Bulletin (Jeff Lanam): Jeff reported that we have 320 people on our mailing list, and that 500 Bulletins were printed last time. Chuck Spalding is sending new/leftover Bulletins to newcomers, and that he's not sure what to do with the stale ones. Jean suggested laying them out at registration. Gary suggested giving them to Judy Koehler - she always knows what to do with/and likes those things. Jeff reported that we are staying under budget on printing. The Board's consensus is that it's better to print more Bulletins and have extras, than to run out. Jeff stated that the deadline for the next issue will be the 3rd Thursday of June (the 19th). He expanded to a full 12 pages last issue, and he does not want it to get bigger. Ian reminded Jeff that his title is "editor," in regards to those wordy people. Jeff is experimenting with Adobe Framemaker. He is currently using Publisher now, but says that he's hitting that software's limits.

Outreach (Scott Aster): Scott reported that he's been doing a lot with the Bernese Mountain dog group (and that another plus for those dogs is that they don't drool :).

Teambuilding requests: KEMA-Xenergy in Oakland - Joe S. will be doing.

Scott says that the Presidio has said that they would like us to continue using their venue on an ongoing basis, and that their website now lists us. They have asked Scott to help them set up a permanent O' course in the Presidio. Scott says that Chrissy Field also likes us. There are two different jurisdictions - inland and water. Chrissy Field will let us set the permanent course anywhere. Scott will be meeting with them on the 28th of June. They are going to pay $45+ /hr. to teach. They want us to design and possibly to build the course, and they will pay us for it. He'll have more details at the next meeting.

USOF (Gary Kraght): Gary says that there's no new news.

Training (Steve Gregg): Steve says that if anyone wants to have a training event, don't be shy. He says that the DeMoss's have mentioned Coyote Hills. Jeff says that he's toying with holding something at Arastradero in August.

12. New Business - Ian Tidswell

Evan would like the Board to consider offering short orange courses for people moving up from yellow. These courses are also preferred by older people who can't do brown. The USOF standards set the short orange for M16. But, he noted that that's not our demographic. He suggests shortening the guidelines for orange. He will float the idea on the Bayonet.

13. Adjournment - Ian Tidswell

The next Board meeting will be September 22, 2003, at Stanford University - the room needs to be confirmed (the meeting date has been modified because the first Monday in September is the week before the U.S. Champs and Labor Day). The meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.