Minutes: 2003 BAOC Annual General Meeting

Stanford University
Sunday, Apr. 6, 2003

by Meg Gerstner, secretary

The annual meeting of the Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC) was called to order by Ian Tidswell at 1:07pm. More than 15 members (a quorum) were present.


Elected unanimously was the proposed slate of officers: Ian Tidswell, president; Evan Custer , event coordinator; George Minarik, treasurer; and Meg Gerstner, secretary. There were no nominations from the floor.

2. STATE OF THE CLUB - Ian Tidswell

Ian thanked Syd Reader (president of Stanford Orienteering Club), Chuck Spalding, and Jeff Lanam for putting on such a good event that day on the Stanford campus. During the last year there have been many successful events (including the use of e-punch at many), several new maps (all on Ocad), and a well-attended Scout event (with thanks to Gavin Wyatt-Mair). Our club is the second largest in the country in terms of attendees at events. Ian thanked the many volunteers, in particular Evan Custer and Bob Cooley, for their efforts on the Club's behalf.

During this year, there are 41 days of orienteering scheduled by BAOC and Gold Country Orienteering (GCO), as well as two A-meets, one of which is the U.S. Championships. Every map the club has (except for Boreal and Sugar Bowl) is scheduled to be used this year. We will be partnering with Tahoe Big Blue adventure races. Although there will be less emphasis on mapping due to our financial situation, we plan to have more promotion, including changes to the website, and the use of more local maps.

Challenges to the club include the need for more volunteers (more volunteers mean more events), financial limitations (although we anticipate that our revenue will be fine due to large attendance at recent meets such as Annadel, and anticipated participation at the A-meets), and the need for more publicity (with thanks to Nancy Lindeman and her colleagues for their efforts). All in all the club is in great shape, and Ian thanked everyone for their help.

In response to questions from the floor, Syd Reader (who will be leaving Stanford) reported that he has identified a replacement for himself as president of the Stanford Orienteering Club.

The meeting adjourned at about 1:16 pm.